1 |
In Modaraba the person who works is called: |
- A. Worker
- B. Principal
- C. Rab-ul-Mal
- D. Modarib
2 |
Factor are the: |
- A. Customers of business
- B. Servants of business
- C. Debtors of business
- D. Persons who take responsibility of receiving money from debtors
3 |
In Modaraba, the person who invests capital is called: |
- A. Modarib
- B. Rab-ul-Mal
- C. Investor
- D. Businessman
4 |
The government issued Modaraba ordinance in: |
- A. January 1980
- B. January 1981
- C. January 1979
- D. January 1984
5 |
Business finance can be divided into following parts according to term |
- A. Four
- B. Two
- C. Three
- D. Six
6 |
In Modaraba |
- A. Two persons invent money
- B. Both persons invest money and labour
- C. One person invests money and the other invests labour and experience
- D. All of the above
7 |
Business finance can be divided into following parts according to term: |
- A. Four
- B. Two
- C. Three
- D. Six
8 |
Short term financing helps in meeting the |
- A. Seasonal requirements of business
- B. Emergency expenses
- C. Both a and b
- D. None of these
9 |
How many types of business finance |
10 |
The time period of short time finance is |
- A. Two years
- B. More than one year
- C. One and half year
- D. One or less than one year