1 |
Which Country first used word gymnastics |
- A. Greece
- B. America
- C. British
- D. German
2 |
Teaching of gymnastics rise in Europe in |
- A. 20th century
- B. 19th century
- C. 18th century
- D. 17th century
3 |
How many group are there in physical education activities? |
4 |
Final activity for the lesson of gymnastics is |
- A. Warm up
- B. Resting
- C. Warm down
- D. Lateral exercise
5 |
The base of physical education is |
- A. Health
- B. Strength
- C. Intelligence
- D. Movements
6 |
An example of involuntary movements is |
- A. Heart beat
- B. Walking
- C. Bending
- D. Jumping
7 |
How many groups are in gymnastic activities |
8 |
To start a difficult work we need to do |
- A. Warm up
- B. Warm down
- C. Sleep
- D. Nothing
9 |
From where the word gymnastic come |
- A. Persian language
- B. English language
- C. Urdu language
- D. Greek
10 |
Last activities of gymnastics is |
- A. Warm down
- B. Rest
- C. Warm up
- D. Nothing