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08-May-16 Zong Pakistan, Others 0 Jobs N/A View

Latest Zong Jobs 2025

At we try to provide all latest Zong jobs related information at Zong Pakistan for prospective job seekers. This company offer jobs that are publishes in various newspapers. We make sure that all latest jobs related to the Zong Pakistan get to our website so that relevant candidates can choose their employment of choice.

The company Zong Pakistan is a wide network that provides voice data services from postpaid to prepaid methods. It was founded in 2008 and current CEO is Liu Dianfeng. In Pakistan, its headquarter is located in Islamabad, capital of Pakistan. Its predecessor was Paktel. This company provides efficient and convenient services related to communication and internet. All necessary efforts are made to provide better communication services all across the country. It is first abroad setup of China Mobile through approved license from Milicom. This company regularly update their services by announcing newest packages and deals for the easiness of the customers at very affordable rates.

Jobs related to this organization get updated on daily bases. People that are skilled with dominant communications can get an opportunity to enhance their skills in this field by working under the supervision of international standards. This company also sell their products such as internet devices and handsets to increase the lengths of its customers and increasing the interest of its existing customers by upgrading their packages and new deals.