Sr Post Name Jobs Qualification
1 Lecturer 60 M. Phil
2 Assistant Professor 50 Ph. D
3 Professor 10 Ph. D
Latest jobs by University of Sargodha
Sr.# Name & Number of Post(s) Nature of
Eligibility Criteria
1 Professor
Physical Chem istry-CI I , Communication
& Media Studies-01, English-01
Visiting basis Minimum Qualification
Ph.D from an HEC recognized Institution in the relevant field.
15-years teaching/rnearch experience in HEC recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the rekvant field in a National or International organization.
10-years post-Ph.D. teaching/research experience in a recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization.
Minimum Number of Publications
The applicant must have 15 research publications with at least 5 publications in the last 5 years in HEC recognized i011f11315.
2 Associate Professor
English-02, History-02
Visiting basis Minimum Qualification
Ph.D in the relevant field from an HEC recognized University/Institution.
10-years teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized University or a postgraduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization.
5-years post•PliD teaching/research experience in an I IEC recognized University or a post-graduate Institution in professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization.
minimum Number of Publications
The applicant must have 10 research publications (with at least 4 publications in the last 5 years in the HEC recognized Journals.
3 Assistant Professor
Analytical Chemistry-01, Inorganic
Chemistry-01, Organic Chemistry-01,
Physical Chemistry-05, Economics-04,
English-02, History-03, Islamic Studies-
03. Information Management-03.
Mathematics-OS, Physics-04,
Psychology-02. Sociology-03.
Statistics-OS, Entomology-02
Visiting basis Minimum ()uglification
PhD in relevant field from HEC recognized University/Institution.
No experience required.
Minimum Number of Publications
4 Assistant Professor
Graphic Design -01 , Interior Design-01
Visiting basis Minimum Qualification
a. PhD in the relevant field from FIEC recognized University/ Institution.
h. Master's degree (foreign) or M.Phil or equivalent degree awarded after 18 years of education in the relevant field from HEC recognized University/Institution
e. First professional degree (4 Years minimum. First Division) with no 3"' division in the academic career' from HEC recognized University/Institution
  1. Nil
  2. 4-years teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized University or a Post- graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization.
  3. 6-years teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized University or a Post- graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization.
Minimum Number of Publications
5 Lecturer
Biotechnology-02. Business
Administration (Management)-02.
Analytical Chemistry-01. Inorganic Chemistry-03. Organic Chemistry-03, Physical Chemistry-05. Communication & Media Studies-08. Photo Journalism in Digital Era-01, Film & Theatre-01.
Computer Science/Information ' Technology/Software Engineering-I5, Geography-04 (02-Male & 02-Female). Economics-07, Education-05, English- 50, Foal Science & Technology-06, Food & Nutrition-01, Home Economics-
01, History-09, Politics & IR-02, Islamic
Studies-I8. Information Management-
05, Mathematics-20, Physics-04,
Psychology-10, Sociology-20, Physical
Education-02, Statistics-I5, Urdu-04,
Zoology-05, Soil & Environmental
Sciences-02, Entomology-01.
Agricultural Economics-03, Agri.
Extension-01, Horticulture-02
Visiting basis Minimum Qualification
First Class MS/M.Phil/equivalent degree awarded after 18 Years of education in the relevant field from an HEC recognized University/institution with no 34 division in the academic career.
Condition of no 3'd division shall not be applicable in the qualification of appointment as lecturer in Universities vat Degree Awarding Institutions provided that the candidate holds a higher degree viz PhD or equivalent degree with not more than one yd division in entire academic career.
Minimum Number of Publications
6 Lecturer
Graphic Design-03, Interior Design-02,
Textile Design-01; Fine Arts-06,
Fashion Design-01
Visiting basis Minimum Oualilleatien
First professional degree (4 Years minimum, First Division) from HEC recognized University/Institution with no third division in the academic career
Minimum Number of Publication.
7 Lecturer
Visiting basis Minimum Qualification
LLB Degree (First Class) lion an HEC recognized University/ Institutions with no 3rd division in the academic career
Minimum Number of Publications
8 Lecturer
Electrical Engineering-02
  Visiting basis Nil
Minimum Qualification;
M.Sc. (Engineering) / M.Phil (First Class) in the relevant field from I IEC recognized University/Institution with no 3'4 division in the academic career.
No experience required.
Minimum NOMIXf of Publications
9 Lecturer
English-I0, Mathematics-05, Physics- 02,
Chemistry-02, Computer Science &
IT-06, Botany-01, Zoology-02, Sports
Sciences-02 (01-Male & 01-Female),
Sociology-03, Psychology-04, Social
Work-02, Education-06. Islamic
Studies-02, Pakistan Studies-02.
Visiting basis Minimum Ouslificatrot
First Class MS/M.Phil/equivalent degree awarded after 18 Years of education in the relevant field from an HF.0 recognized University/Institution with no 314 division in the academic career.
Condition of no 3'4 division shall not be applicable ill the qualification of appointment as lecturer in Universities or Degree Awarding Institutions provided that the candidate holds a higher degree viz PhD or equivalent degree with not more than one 3 division in entire academic career.
Minimum trstliklausi,
  • Candidates arc advised to submit their applications to the Ileadsfincharges of their respective Departments/Principal of Constituent College/Diiector of Si b-Campus Bhakkar. University of Sargodha.
  • Only short listed candidates will be called for Test / Interview.
  • The prescribed application form can be downloaded from University of Sargodha website: vszkcjhua.
  • Candidates for all positions are required to All the application form and submit along with complete C.V and attested copies of testimonials.
  • Two most recent passport size photographs should be affixed on each application.
  • Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit separate applications with necessary documents, complete in all respects.
  • Foreign degree holders must be provided equivalence certificate issued by the HEC.
  • Applications must be accompanied with original bank deposit slip/Univenity Challan Form of Rs. 1000/- in ease of Professor & Associate Professor and Rs. 500/- in case of others, as processing fee (non-refundable) to be deposited under Head of Account "Collection" in HBL A/C No. 00427991777803, University of Sargodha.
  • Candidates already in service of a Government/Semi-Government Department or an Autonomous Body must apply through proper channel by closing date; otherwise their applications shail not be entertained.
  • Applications received eller the closing date will not be entertained; even posted before the closing date.
  • Incomplete applications shall also not be entertained.
  • Closing date for submission of applications is 01.10.2021.
  • The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the post(s) according to the need of the university and reserves the rights not to till/withdraw any post/withhold the appointment against any advertised post without assigning any reason.

Additional Registrar University of Sargodha
Ph # 048-9230802