Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
21-Oct-20 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 40 Jobs 02-Nov View
01-Mar-20 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 3 Jobs 15-Mar View
14-Oct-19 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 4 Jobs 25-Oct View
13-Oct-19 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 5 Jobs 25-Oct View
29-May-19 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 6 Jobs 10-Jun View
08-Nov-18 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Karachi 10 Jobs 18-Nov View
20-Jun-17 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 12 Jobs 05-Jul View
23-May-16 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Shikarpur 0 Jobs N/A View
08-May-16 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 0 Jobs N/A View
22-Nov-15 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 0 Jobs N/A View
01-Sep-15 Sindh Rural Support Organization, Sukkur 0 Jobs N/A View is Pakistan’s popular website to post and advertise all the latest jobs related to all the companies and government sectors operating here. We also try to provide jobs at Sindh Rural Support Organization for all the job seekers in the Pakistan in this profession. If you seek and want to get updates related to jobs in Sindh Rural Support Organization, you should keep visiting this website on regular basis or you can also subscribe to our job alert services so that you will not miss any job update related to this organization.

Sindh Rural Support Organization is located in Shikarpure Road Sukkur. It was founded in 2003. It was first and major rural support program in Northern Sindh. It is non-profit organization registered under the section 42 of the company ordinance 1984. SRSO has a wide network that is spread in 10 districts. The mission o this organization is to culminate the poverty level from the province and provide services and platform to the disadvantaged areas of the region by implementing development activities.

This organization has and offers various programs including social mobilization, Human Resource Development, Natural Resource Management, Micro-Health insurance and also provides social sector services. Its objective is to reinforce and compliment of Government of Pakistan’s Policy of poverty alleviation.