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17-Mar-25 Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad 3 Jobs 12-Apr View

The organization ilmkidunya advertise and publish latest and up to date jobs related to Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) on daily basis for the persons that seek a career in this profession according to his/her skills and knowledge about relevant fields to enhance its skills and deliver better services about this field to the interested world. Ilmkidunya provides an easy platform for finding jobs related to this field.

Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) is an organization under the submission of the Govt of Pakistan for the standard use of the nuclear energy radioactive resources and ebonizing radiations. This firm was founded in 2001 and is located in the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad. Its predecessor is Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. Because the nuclear and radiation works are very dangerous to address that’s why it is very important to hand this work in very responsible enterprise. Its mission is to perform its operations in a safe and pure environment to protect the different zones from its harmful effects by formulating and implementing effective radiations. Its builds a relationship with trust by performing services under licenses and managing pellucidity in action taken by the regulatory body. High talented and educated and experienced staff related to this profession is acquired to perform their jobs.