Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
17-Feb-19 National Commission on the Status of Women, Islamabad 33 Jobs 04-Mar View
24-Nov-17 National Commission on the Status of Women, Islamabad 17 Jobs 09-Dec View
17-Mar-17 National Commission on the Status of Women, Islamabad 0 Jobs N/A View
24-Jan-16 National Commission on the Status of Women, Islamabad 0 Jobs N/A View
18-Oct-15 National Commission on the Status of Women, Islamabad 0 Jobs N/A View

At we try to provide all latest jobs related information at National Commission on the Status of Women for prospective job seekers. This organization offer jobs that are publishes in various newspapers. We make sure that all latest jobs related to the National Commission on the Status of Women get to our website so that relevant candidates can choose their employment of choice.

National Commission on the Status of Women was established by former president Pervez Musharraf in the year 2000. The main purpose of this commission is to make sure the independence of the women community, equalizing the status of opportunities among men and women in economic matters and culmination intolerant behavior with women wing in the country. One of the main mission of the commission is to examination of the policies, services, programs and operations for the development of women community in the region and also the monitoring of the rules and laws that are effecting the status of women development in the country. Ms. Khawar Mumtaz is current chairperson of National Commission on the Status of Women.

This commission also has objective to recommend to Govt of Pakistan to sign and ratifying international instruments designed to protect human rights.