Sr Post Name Jobs Qualification
1 Assistanat Professor 17 Bachelors
2 Associate Professor 23 Bachelors
3 Professor 14 Bachelors
Latest jobs by Islamia College Peshawar

(Public Sector University)


A Legacy of Glory

Islamia College Peshawar, the soul of academic excellence, stands as the finest embodiment of tradition and modern education in South Asia. Since its establishment in 1913, it has been the breeding ground for intellectuals and scholars, nurturing talent across generations. The vision of Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum and his dedicated colleagues led to the foundation of this prestigious institution, which later became the mother institute of three universities and several colleges.

Islamia College Peshawar invites applications from Pakistani citizens for the following positions. Applicants are encouraged to apply through the online job portal at

Available Positions

1. Professor (BPS-21)

Number of Positions:

  • Botany (01)

  • Chemistry (02)

  • Islamic Theology (01)

  • Pakistan Studies (01)

  • Political Science (01)

  • Statistics (01)

  • Zoology (01)

  • Physics (03)

  • Urdu (01)

  • Mathematics (01)

  • Management Science (01)

2. Associate Professor (BPS-20)

Number of Positions:

  • Botany (02)

  • Chemistry (02)

  • Economics (03)

  • English (03)

  • Management Science (03)

  • Political Science (01)

  • Shariah & Law (02)

  • Urdu (01)

  • Zoology (02)

  • Physics (02)

  • Computer Science (02)

3. Assistant Professor (BPS-19)

Number of Positions:

  • Botany (03)

  • Computer Science (03)

  • Centre of Material Science (01)

  • Management Science (02)

  • Mathematics (02)

  • Pakistan Studies (01)

  • Physics (02)

  • Political Science (01)

  • Psychology (01)

  • Urdu (01)

Eligibility Criteria

Details regarding eligibility and qualifications are available on the official website:

General Instructions

  1. Submission of Applications:

    • Application forms, along with an attested copy of CNIC, two recent passport-size photographs, attested copies of educational testimonials, experience certificates, and the original bank receipt, must reach the office of the Deputy Registrar (Meetings) by 14th March 2025.

  2. Application Fee:

    • Non-refundable deposit:

      • Rs. 5000/- for Professor & Associate Professor (S.No. 1 & 2)

      • Rs. 2000/- for Assistant Professor (S.No. 3)

    • Payment to be made at any UBL online branch to Account MCA No. 231098405, Code No. 54, titled Job Application Fee (Attach bank receipt with the application form).

  3. Required Documents for Professors & Associate Professors:

    • Four copies of a complete CV/Bio-Data.

    • Four copies of a list of research publications, detailing the title, journal particulars, year of publication, and category.

    • Four sets of reprints of the publications.

    • Any additional publications may be listed on a separate sheet.

  4. Grading Criteria:

    • A CGPA of less than 3.00 out of 4.00 shall be considered equivalent to a 2nd Division.

  5. For In-Service Candidates:

    • Applicants must apply through the proper channel and submit a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their current department/institution along with the application.

  6. Foreign Degrees:

    • Applicants with foreign degrees must submit an HEC Equivalence Certificate along with the application.

  7. Recruitment Policy:

    • All new recruitments will be under the CP Fund Scheme.

    • Existing regular employees appointed under the Pension Scheme will continue their pensionable service without interruption.

    • Employees under the Pension Scheme may voluntarily opt to convert to the CP Fund Scheme from their date of regular appointment.

Important Notes

  1. Incomplete applications and those received after the due date will not be entertained.

  2. The University reserves the right to rectify any errors or omissions.

Islamia College Peshawar
Phone: 091-9222013
Published in Daily Mashriq