The organization ilmkidunya advertise and publish latest and up to date jobs related to Home department Govt of Punjab on daily basis for the persons that seek a career in this profession according to his/her skills and knowledge about relevant fields to enhance its skills and deliver better services about this field to the interested world. Ilmkidunya provides an easy platform for finding jobs related to this field.
Home department Govt of Punjab is an organization who has the responsibility of taking control of the law and order situation in the country to protect the lives and property of its citizen in a safe way. This department has six further departments under its own supervision. General department, Police department, Prisons department, Internal Security department, Judicial department and public safety department. The main functions of this department are prevention and control of crime, Administration of Police department, Regulation of Arms and Ammunition matters, To impose ban on effecting persons peace, to notify awards for the arrest of terrorists/criminals.
This department also has various centers for the public help including crisis management and control center, women complaint center, Visa issuing Procedure, Procedure for issuance of arms License and more.