Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
17-Mar-25 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 10 Jobs 15-Apr View
20-Jan-25 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 5 Jobs 17-Feb View
21-Nov-24 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 7 Jobs 05-Dec View
20-Nov-24 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 7 Jobs 05-Dec View
24-Oct-24 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 3 Jobs 08-Nov View
07-Oct-24 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 6 Jobs 21-Oct View
19-Sep-24 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 1 Jobs 04-Oct View
21-Jul-24 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 1 Jobs 08-Aug View
14-Jul-24 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Multiple Cities 13 Jobs 29-Jul View
26-Mar-24 Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC), Islamabad 20 Jobs 01-Apr View

Higher Education Commission Pakistan has announced the list of all current information of the vacancies, requirements of eligibility for the job and online application. The Higher Education Commission HEC is self-directed and constitutionally constituted primary funding institution which oversees, regulates and endorses the determinations of Pakistan’s higher education. The main headquarter of Higher Education Commission Pakistan is located in Islamabad. The other centers of HEC are located in Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar and Karachi. is a very vast and updated website. To find the online application form for any job vacancy you can visit our site. For the online application of Higher Education Commission Pakistan jobs you can access The current available job openings in Higher Education Commission Pakistan are Assistant Director, Assistant Engineer, Project Coordinator, Program Specialist, Data Entry operators and Environmental Specialist. The need highly qualified and experience candidate in these departments. Moreover, fresh graduates can also apply for these posts.

The higher education commission is an independent, self-governing and constitutionally established institute of primary, funding, overseeing, regulatory and authorizing the higher education in Pakistan. HEC was established in 1947 as UGC current from since 2002. The main headquarter is located in Islamabad Pakistan. HEC is made responsible for higher education policy and quality assurance to meet the international standards as well as providing the accrediting academic degrees. The HEC also emphasis on the higher education in the country and main focus on the upgrading of the colleges and universities. The main task of HEC (higher education commission in the country is working for the welfare of the educational institution in all colleges and universities, research and development. The main programs and projects of the HEC attestation of the degrees, faculty department, curriculum revision, higher education infrastructure development, indigenous scholarships, foreign scholarships, increase industry and university research collaboration. 
The HEC is governed and cheered by the appointed chairman who is supported by the secretaries of education, science, technology and telecommunication. The chairman of the HEC is chosen by the prime minister of Pakistan. There are large numbers of colleges and universities are accredited by the HEC. NTS tests are conducted in the HEC recognized colleges and universities. 
Students can find out all HEC recognized colleges and universities on ilmkidunya website. All the Higher education commission jobs are published in the newspapers. All job hunters can check the job vacancies on ilmkidunya website.