Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
05-Apr-24 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 2 Jobs 17-Apr View
19-May-21 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 53 Jobs 05-Jun View
28-Feb-21 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 156 Jobs 22-Mar View
26-Feb-21 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 151 Jobs 22-Mar View
24-Feb-21 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 20 Jobs 19-Mar View
12-Mar-19 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 3 Jobs 30-Mar View
16-Feb-19 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 8 Jobs 10-Mar View
20-Jul-18 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 23 Jobs N/A View
10-Jul-18 Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta 87 Jobs 23-Jul View

Agriculture Department Govt of Balochistan:

The Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan was constituted in the province in 1891 for plant protection and horticulture. Initially the department only worked to increase fruits and vegetable growth. Through cultivation done by agriculture department more 31 crops begin to grow in the province. Since agriculture production is complex field and for its developments different aspects must be considered which are inter- related. In 2004, the government of Balochistan established complete directorate for Agriculture Research Plant Protection and Entomology and Plant Pathology. This department is responsible for developing appropriate technology that could help farmers in increasing crops growth and is farmer friendly.

The department works for Biological Control, Development of Integrates pest management, and control of nematodes and viruses on different crops, vegetable and fruits. Moreover it has responsibilities to construct micro dams for the storage of flash-water with a view to maintain and recharge the aquifer to ensure regular availability of irrigation water through neighboring springs, tube wells, and open surface wells, restoration of flood damages to agricultural fields, roads and railway tracks during emergency and provision of agricultural machinery to farmers on controlled and funded rates for harvesting and threshing of wheat and paddy. The department also delivers services of agricultural education and research except University Education, Experimental and demonstration farms, Improvement of agricultural methods, Protection against insects and pests and prevention from diseases of plants. Those interested to attain vacancies at the Agriculture Department Govt. of Balochistan can get job information from our website.