AIOU has already announced the result of Matric 2020 amid Coronavirus pandemic situation. All the students of Matric were promoted to next classes. Today Allama Iqbal Open University has announced the result of intermediate and the students of FA and i.Com have been promoted to next classes also.
Well!!! How these students are promoted is the question?
Just like Matric result the AIOU has promoted the students of intermediate on the basis of the percentage of their assignments. So it is good news for all the intermediate students enrolled through AIOU that they have been promoted to the next class on the basis of their assignments submitted and checked for grading. The students who appeared in spring semester 2019 are now promoted to next semester of fall 2020.
AIOU intermediate Result |Semester Autumn 2019|
All the intermediate students of Allama IQbal Open University can check their result and subject percentage by visiting the official website of AIOU. Just go on the result section of the official website. Select the H.S.S.C semester fall 2019 result, enter you roll number. The result will be before you on your computer screen.