Past papers play an important role in preparation for your exams. At, you can find inter past papers for every exam. Past papers usually give the internal look of the exams. It gives us knowledge that what are the topics which need more attention, and what we already know. There are many ways by which inter past paper can help you for better preparation in the exams.
It helps in indicating the typical number of questions:
Inter past papers help students in indicating the number of questions asked in the exam. It indicates the number of MCQs, short Questions and long question. The number of choices in each section and the paper pattern which the examiner follow in the exam. Inter past papers can be searched at
Helps in Time Management:
Time management in the exam is very important for the students. Many students prepare their exam well but while sitting in the examination room, they failed to attempt all the questions. They usually give all of their time in attempting one question and thus failed in the exam. Inter past papers help students in managing their time. With past papers, students can access their self that how to sit in the exam and how to give proper time to each question in examination Hall. If you are unable to do these past papers in a given time. Do more Practice with past papers.
Helps in identifying the exam style:
In Inter exam, same template patterns are used. Examiners take the same important questions. Inter Students who do their preparation by reading past papers know the paper pattern of the exam. They are much familiar with the style, the number of questions, choices in questions and language used in questions. It also helps students to understand major terminologies and phrases which are most frequently asked in the exam.
Help you focus on the most important topics:
Inter past papers help in focusing the most important topics and questions in the exam. Important questions in any exam vary from Board to Board. It helps to focus on the important areas of the subject and will enable students to secure A+ grades in the exam. So, Students must study their relevant board past paper to understand that what is more important to them and what is not much important. Important topics need more attention and can be asked by changing the language of the question. If students study past papers, it will help them to focus on the topics of great importance. Including past paper in preparation for your exam help you focus the most important questions which you are likely to be asked in your final board exam.
Helps in understanding the way to attempt Questions:
The answering question in any exam is an art. The first look of the examiner at your paper is the paper presentation. Your marks rely on how you present your paper to the examiner. In inter examination, your answering style matters a lot. Inter past papers help students with understanding answering style. Practicing past paper help in understanding the common mistakes which students occasionally do in their past. Also, read solved past paper to understand the logical answer to each question. You can review your answer with that answer. That’s why, provided students with past papers so students understand the tactics to answer any question. Many students answer correctly but not properly. Thus failed to impress the examiner and cannot get high scores in their final exams. To focus on past papers improve the question answering skills of the student.