Scholar Cantt Group of Colleges provide a number of opportunities in different fields that help the students to choose there fields according to there interest and careers. Others Students who wish to join pre-medical, pre-engineering, commerce and humanities or any other course can do so through applying for admission to respective programs. These requirements may differ as we move from one program to the other, but since they are diverse we can say that before one can be considered for any of these programs he or she must have already completed his or her secondary education, which could be matriculation or O-level, or its equivalent with the requisite grades. Potential candidates should also ensure they read through the specific requirements set for each program of their interest before applying for it.
Admission Process
In this context, let us examine how Scholars Cantt Group of Colleges implements the objective of having a thorough yet simple admission process. In the college campus, admission forms can be gotten from the admission office or can also be got from the college website online. Original and copy of each document, attachments, as well as the application fee, should be submitted by the date indicated. It would be helpful for the applicants to note that they should apply within the appropriate time to be considered for an application.
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