Books for BS Mechanical Engineering

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Students that are taking important courses in BS mechanical engineering can learn about mechanical devices and machines. Mechanical engineering encompasses the application and generation of mechanical power, design, and heat. The Mechanical engineering books are very important to learn about machines, tools, and engines. Mathematics and physics are essential in mechanical engineering subjects.

Books on Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is a competitive profession all over the world. Books are very important for every field whether it is physical or digital. They are not replaceable resources for mechanical engineers. Books on mechanical engineering are the easiest way to further the knowledge on the schedule. Mechanical engineering books are invaluable resources for students. Every mechanical engineering subject has more than one reference book for the students to expand their knowledge.

Best Mechanical Engineering Books for Beginners

The majority of the BS mechanical engineering books are based on the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and mechanics for designing and processing. Mechanical engineering is not much challenging for beginners if they use the basic course books for the perfect understanding. Books for mechanical engineering can help beginners to develop an interest in mechanical engineering degree. Beginners can start from the easy mechanical engineering course books. Some of the best mechanical engineering books for beginners are:

  • Composite materials for extreme loading
  • Basic of civil and mechanical engineering
  • Introduction to Mechanical engineering
  • Automotive Aerodynamics
  • Understanding electro-mechanical engineering
  • Engineering principles of mechanical vibration

BS Mechanical Engineering Course Books

Students who are doing a BS mechanical engineering degree can get the information of course books here. Universities recommend different course books for their students to vast their learning. BS mechanical engineering course books can enlighten students on getting the mechanical engineering degree and it also brings personal development among students. The BS mechanical engineering books list is given below:

First-year BS Mechanical Engineering Books

Course Title Recommended Books Author
Applied Physics Fundamentals of Physics Jearl Walker and David Halliday
Calculus and Analytical Geometry Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists Muhammad Nasir and Muhammad Iqbal Bhatti
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig
Computer Systems and Programming Computer Science: An Overview- 12 Edition Glenn Brookshear and Dennis Brylow
Engineering Drawing and Graphics Technical Graphics Communication- 4 Edition Eric Wiebe, Nathan Hartman, and Gary Bertoline
Electrical engineering Electrical Power Technology Theodore Wildi
Electric Machinery Fundamentals Stephen Chapman
Islamic Studies An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law Hussain Hamid Hassan
Communication skills Supplementary Skills Reading Varios Autores
Linear Algebra
Engineering Mechanics- I Statics Vector Mechanics for Engineers Johnston and Beer
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics R.C. Hibbeler
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach Michael Boles and Yunus Cengel
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics- 5 Edition Howard N. Shapiro and Michael J. Moran

Second-Year BS Mechanical Engineering Books

Course Title Recommended Books Author
Pakistan Studies Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: An Historical Analysis- 2nd Edition S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring
Mechanics of material-I Mechanics of Engineering Materials- 2nd Edition R.J. Crawford and P.P. Benham
Mechanics of Materials- 7 Edition E. Russell Johnston Jr and David F. Mazurek
Engineering Mechanics-II: Dynamics Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery Kenneth J. Waldron and Sunil K. Agrawal
Thermodynamics-II Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Gordon J. Van Wylen and Richard E. Sonntag
Fluid Mechanics-I Fluid Mechanics, Fundamentals and Applications Yunus Cengel and John Cimbala
Engineering Fluid Mechanics John A. Roberson and Donald F. Elger
Social Sciences (Elective) The Historical Background of Modern Social Psychology Gordon Willard Allport
Complex variables and Transforms Advanced Engineering Mathematics E. Kreyszig
Machine Design CAD-I Mechanical Engineering Design Richard Budynas and Keith Nisbett
Machine Elements in Mechanical Design- 4 Edition Robert L. Mott
Fluid Mechanics-II Engineering Fluid Mechanics-12 Edition Barbara A. LeBret and John A. Roberson
Mechanics of Fluids Irving H. Shames
Mechanics of Materials-II Mechanics of Materials R. C. Hibbler

Third-year BS Mechanical Engineering Books

Course Title Recommended Book Author
Engineering Economics Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling Harold Kerzner
Heat and Mass Transfer Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Frank P. Incropera and David P.DeWitt
Elements of Heat Transfer Frank Keith, Mark S. Bohn, and Raj M. Manglik
Precision Engineering and Metrology Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements D. Beasley and R. Figliola
Measurement Systems Applications and Design E. Doeblin
Technical Report Writing Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: Hardback Jennifer Bradbery and Diana Lea
Machine Design and CAD II Machine Design: An Integrated Approach Robert Norton
Fundamentals of Machine Component Design- 5 Edition Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek
Refrigeration and Air conditioning Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Analysis and Design- 6 Edition Jerald D. Parker and Jeffrey D. Spitler
Principles of Refrigeration R.J. Dossat
Mechanics of machines Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Uicker and J. E. Shigley
Applied Statistics Applied Statistics for Engineers & Scientists Jay L. Devore and Jimmy A. Doi
Manufacturing Processes Materials and Processes in Manufacturing E. P Degarmo
Control engineering Automatic Control Systems Farid Golnaraghi and Benjamin C. Kuo

Fourth-year BS Mechanical Engineering Books

Course Title Recommended Book Author
Industrial materials Material Sciences and Engineering William D. Callister
Mechanical Vibrations Mechanical Vibrations: Theory & Applications William T. Thomson
Mechanical Vibrations S.S. Rao
Internal Combustion Engines Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals J. B. Heywood
Internal combustion engines C.F Taylor
Power plants Power Plant Technology El-Wakil
Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologist T.D. Eastop and A. Mcconkey
Renewable energy resources Renewable Energy Godfrey Boyle
Renewable Energy Resources John Twidell and Tony Weir
Mechatronics Design with Microprocessors for Mechanical Engineers A. K. Stiffler
Fluid Power: Hydraulics and Pneumatics Introduction to Fluid Power James L Johnson
Gas dynamics Gas Dynamics J. D. Hoffman and M. J. Zucrow
Machine tool and machining Machine Tools Practices- 10 Edition Warren White and John Neely
Production and operations management Operations Management Jagdesh Raja shekhar and Barry Render

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