BS History program offers a wide range of courses so that the students can learn the most of it. It enables the students to meet the future needs and to be competitive in the market so that they can find jobs with respect to their field. Maximum number of students finds this course interesting and amazing at the same time. It enables the students to learn different aspects of the History subject. This course is very versatile and diverse at the same time. Students can make a good career out of it. The BS History subjects list is on this page. Below are the subjects that students will learn in this course.
Course Outline: BS History Government College University, Faisalabad
BS History is an exciting course to study. Many students take part in this program so that they can become historians of tomorrow. Government College University of Faisalabad offers this program to its students so that they can learn practicality of this amazing course. It enables the students to learn in-depth knowledge so that they can seek information and knowledge regarding past and present civilizations. Following is the course outline of it.
BS History Subjects First Semester
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English-I | 3 |
2 | Islamic Studies/ Ethics | 2 |
3 | Computer Skills | 2 |
4 | Introduction To History | 3 |
5 | Introduction to World Civilization | 3 |
6 | Political Sciences | 3 |
BS History 2nd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English-II | 3 |
2 | Pakistan Studies | 2 |
3 | Research Methodology | 3 |
4 | History of Islam | 3 |
5 | Basic Mathematics / Statistics for Social Sciences | 3 |
6 | Sociology | 3 |
BS History 3rd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English-III | 3 |
2 | Urdu / Regional Languages | 3 |
3 | History of Umayyads and Abbasids (661-1258) | 3 |
4 | History of Muslim Rule in South Asia (640-1526) | 3 |
5 | History of Europe (1453-1848) | 3 |
6 | International Relations | 3 |
BS History 4th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Economics | 3 |
2 | Education | 3 |
3 | History of Muslim Rule in South Asia (1526-1857) | 3 |
4 | Urdu/ Regional Language | 3 |
5 | Communication Skills | 3 |
6 | History of Muslim Rule in Spain (755-1492) | 3 |
BS History 5th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Historiography | 3 |
2 | History of Europe (1848-1991) | 3 |
3 | History of Freedom Movement (1857-1947) | 3 |
4 | History of Pakistan Studies (1947-1971) | 3 |
5 | Historical perspective of Pakistan | 3 |
BS History 6th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | History of Sufism | 3 |
2 | History of Saffarids (1501-1786) | 3 |
3 | History of Pakistan (1972-2008) | 3 |
4 | History of Modern Muslim World | 3 |
5 | History of Modern Arab World (1919-1945) | 3 |
6 | Persian / Arabic / Turkish | 3 |
BS History 7th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | History of Central Asia Il-Khanids and Timurids | 3 |
2 | History of Religious Thought in Islam | 3 |
3 | History of Muslim Social and Political thought | 3 |
4 | History of the Modern Arab World (1945-1992) | 3 |
5 | History of Muslim Cities | 3 |
BS History 8th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Research Thesis | 15 |
Course Outline: BS History University Of Punjab
University of the Punjab is one of the famous and reknown university in the region of Punjab. Out of many other programs, it also offers BS History program. BS History is a worth-doing program with having many benefits. Students can learn a lot of insights and can become future Historians. It enables the Students to become curious about the past history of human kind, as History is that sort of subject. BS History subjects list in pakistan particularly for this university is as follows.
BS History 1st Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Islamiat/Ethics | 2 |
2 | English-I (Language in Use) | 3 |
3 | Computer (Introduction and Applications) | 3 |
4 | History of Freedom Movement (1857-1930) | 3 |
5 | History of World Civilizations (Early Life to 600 A.D.) | 3 |
6 | Elementary Mathematics-I (Algebra) | 3 |
BS History 2nd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Pakistan Studies | 2 |
2 | English-II (Academic Reading and Writing) | 3 |
3 | History of Islam (610-750 A.D.) | 3 |
4 | Muslim Struggle for Independence (1930-1947) | 3 |
5 | International Relations | 3 |
6 | Research Methodology | 3 |
BS History 3rd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English-III (Communication Skills) | 3 |
2 | Introduction to Archaeolog | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Geography | 3 |
4 | Government and Politics in Pakistan-I (1947-1971) | 3 |
5 | Ancient India | 3 |
6 | Functional Urdu | 3 |
BS History 4th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English-IV (English for Practical Aims) | 3 |
2 | Muslim Rule in South Asia (712-1526) | 3 |
3 | Foreign Policy of Pakistan (1947-1997) | 3 |
4 | Government and Politics in Pakistan-II (1971-2000) | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
6 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
BS History 5th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Introduction to Historiography & Philosophy of History | 3 |
2 | Muslim Rule in South Asia (1526-1707) | 3 |
3 | History of Umayyads & Abbasids (661-1258) | 3 |
4 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
5 | Fundamentals of Psychology | 3 |
BS History 6th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Later Mughals & British India (1707-1857) | 3 |
2 | History of Europe (1453-1789) | 3 |
3 | Muslim Rule in Spain | 3 |
4 | History of the Punjab (1707-1947) | 3 |
5 | International Relations (1919-1989) | 3 |
BS History 7th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | United States after Second World War | 3 |
2 | Central Asia | 3 |
3 | History of the Ottoman Empire (1288-1924) | 3 |
4 | State & Society in Medieval India (1206-1707) | 3 |
BS History 8th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Modern Middle East (1919-2000) | 3 |
2 | Muslim Contribution to Arts, Science & Architecture | 3 |
3 | Pakistan’s Economy-A Historical Survey | 3 |
4 | Pakistani Society & Culture | 3 |
5 | History of England (1688-1919) | 3 |
Course Outline: BS History Quaid-i-Azam University
Quaid-i-Azam university is a very popular university in Islamabad. It was established in 1967. It offers many different programs out of which BS History is one of it. BS History has its own diversity and that is why students like to pick this course. Here is the BS History course outline in Quaid-i-Azam University.
BS History 1st Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Islamic Studies (or HI/102 Ethics) | 3 |
2 | Computer Skills for Social Sciences | 2 |
3 | English I: Reading & Writing Skills | 3 |
4 | Introduction to History | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
6 | History of South Asia, 600-1500 | 3 |
BS History 2nd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English II: Composition Writing | 3 |
2 | Introduction to Geography | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
4 | History of South Asia, 1500-1800 | 3 |
5 | A Survey of the World Civilizations | 3 |
6 | Pakistan Studies | 3 |
BS History 3rd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | English III: Communication and Presentation Skills | 3 |
2 | Everyday Science | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
4 | History of South Asia, 1800-1947 | 3 |
5 | A Survey of European Civilization | 3 |
6 | Logic and Critical Thinking | 3 |
BS History 4th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
2 | Introduction to Public Policy and Governance | 3 |
3 | History of Pakistan from 1947 to date | 3 |
4 | The Modern World Since 1900 | 3 |
5 | A Survey of the Muslim Civilization till 1258 | 3 |
BS History 5th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Methods for Historical Research (Theory) | 3 |
2 | Introduction to Economics | 3 |
3 | Optional Course | 3 |
4 | Optional Course | 3 |
5 | Optional Course | 3 |
6 | Optional Course | 3 |
BS History 6th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Methods for Historical Research (Applied) | 3 |
2 | Optional Course | 3 |
3 | Optional Course | 3 |
4 | Optional Course | 3 |
5 | Optional Course | 3 |
6 | Optional Course | 3 |
BS History 7th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Philosophy of History | 3 |
2 | Optional Course | 3 |
3 | Optional Course | 3 |
4 | Optional Course | 3 |
5 | Optional Course | 3 |
6 | Optional Course | 3 |
BS History 8th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Historiography | 3 |
2 | Optional Course | 3 |
3 | Optional Course | 3 |
4 | Optional Course | 3 |
6 | Undergraduate Thesis (Optional) | 6 |
Optional Courses For BS History Quaid-i-Azam University
Serial No. | Optional Course Title |
1 | Historiography on Medieval South Asia |
2 | Ancient Civilizations in India |
3 | Ancient India: From the Earliest Times till 600 AD |
4 | Religions in Premodern South Asia |
5 | Premodern Indian Political Thought till AD 1000 |
6 | Muslim Political Thought and Governance in Medieval South Asia |
7 | Social and Cultural History of Medieval South Asia |
8 | Economic History of Medieval South Asia |
9 | Intellectual History of Medieval South Asia |
10 | Scientific and Technological Developments in Medieval South Asia |
11 | Art and Architecture in Medieval South Asia |
12 | A Study of Texts and Production of History in Medieval South Asia |
13 | A Survey Course on Sufism in Medieval South Asia |
14 | Sufi Music and Poetry in Medieval South Asia |
15 | Gender and Sufism in Medieval South Asia |
Course Outline: BS History International Islamic University Islamabad
International Islamic University of Islamabad plays a vital role in teaching the History course. This course has many subjects. The course is typically designed for the students so that they can grasp the concepts with their best abilities. The ability of a student is determined by how they study for each subject. It is essential for the students that they learn all the subjects by heart so that they can achieve better results. Here is the course outline of it.
BS History 1st Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Computer Skills I [For Social Sciences] | 3 |
2 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
3 | Freedom Movement I | 3 |
4 | World History to 600AD | 3 |
5 | English I | 3 |
BS History 2nd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Pakistan Studies | 2 |
2 | Computer Skills II [For Historical Studies] | 3 |
3 | Muslims History (610-750 AD) | 3 |
4 | Freedom Movement II | 3 |
5 | World History from 600-1500 AD | 3 |
6 | English II | 3 |
BS History 3rd Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Arabic | 3 |
2 | Islamic Studies | 2 |
3 | English III | 3 |
4 | Political History of Pakistan I | 3 |
5 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
6 | Muslim History 750-950 AD | 3 |
BS History 4th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Introduction to Math | 3 |
2 | History of Muslims 950-1258/ History of Europe 600-1300 | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Usuluddin | 3 |
4 | Political History of Pakistan II | 3 |
5 | Social History of Pakistan: Seminar | 3 |
6 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
BS History 5th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Communication skills | 3 |
2 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
3 | Introduction Historiography & Philosophy of History | 3 |
4 | Europe II/ History of Muslims II | 3 |
5 | Europe III/ History of Muslims III | 3 |
BS History 6th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Europe IV/ History of Muslims IV | 3 |
2 | Europe V/ History of Muslims V | 3 |
3 | Introduction to Research Methodology | 3 |
4 | Europe VI/ History of Muslims VI | 3 |
5 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
6 | Elective | 3 |
BS History 7th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | Ascendant America / History of Muslims VII | 3 |
2 | Recent History of Central Asia / History of Muslims VIII | 3 |
3 | History of China and the Far East / History of Muslims IX | 3 |
4 | Introduction to Economics | 3 |
5 | Elective | 3 |
BS History 8th Semester Subjects
Serial No. | Course Title | Credit Hours |
1 | International Relations Since World War II | 3 |
2 | Pre-Muslim History of India/ History of Muslims X | 3 |
3 | Modern Middle East | 3 |
4 | Elective | 3 |
5 | Elective | 3 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What do students study in BS History?
Students study Introduction to World Civilization and many other subjects corresponding to it.
What are the subjects of BS History?
There are many subjects involved in BS History program such as History of Islam, Research Methodology, History of Europe and many other etc.
How many subjects in BS History?
There are many subjects in BS History. Please see the details above in order to get to know about what kind of subjects are there in this program.
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