A rewarding career in various field of finance and business as a chartered accountant performs different tasks of audit, taxation and management. The huge demand of chartered accountant in current market. A chartered accountant must have possessive knowledge about financial statements, analytical skills etc. in general, its content include taxation, business, and economics and management subjects. Man accountants perform the roe of auditor in large and small scale businesses. The solid base for becoming CFO, head of internal audit and company secretary. Those candidates who have passed the CA already do their tasks at different management positions respectively.


Rules And Regulations:

Different countries have different rules and regulations to become a CA. In Pakistan, more candidates can take admission in  CA after Intermediate while in New Zealand, for becoming a CA requires three years Bachelor degree and master degree in Accounting and Business topics and in the end, students have practical experience as well. In Canada students have to fulfill the course work in business and accounting areas and they must have enroll in professional educational program.
Audit and assurance, financial accounting and reporting, management accounting and taxation these are major concerns in which a chartered accountant has engaged all the time. ACA also works as freelancer b handling accounting matters for multiple clients in private and public sector matters.


Students who have done their intermediate with 50% marks in any subject and who have also completed their A level in three subjects with Grade E require to appear in CA test QAT. Those who have taken greater than 60% marks in intermediate and Grade D in A level are exempted from giving entrance test. Those applicants who have done their degrees in an discipline with 45% and those who have completed CIMA, ACCA AND ICMAP are exempted from qualifying entrance test of CA. This test takes only three time by an applicant, it has three parts like English, Math and Analytical Reasoning. This test is conducted by RASS and RAETS and other official authority as well. You can take this option after graduate and post graduate as well. Luckily, you also take benefits of exemption of subjects after the graduate and post graduate.
Career And Scope: In Pakistan, CA has been one of the most popular career choice. The data handling and possessive analytical skills push the students towards good salary package, career path, and recognition of CA. The most secured and well paid profession in world. Every organization must have to deal with finance and file tax returns, so CA is required for this.
The difference between a chartered accountant and chartered is to pass the many stages of many exams of accounting and taxation with also gaining the practical experience on hand. The management of finances, giving financial advices and keeping out with the management of money. This is for businesses, individuals and government. Every sector requires CA’s like financial assets management institutions and consultancy firms by assigning the tasks to clients. The steady growth in a job with good package of salary offers in this field. The six figure salary, high demand job, growing industry opportunities and stable income create attraction for students to choose this profession.
The ongoing learning, long monotonous working hours, difficult deadlines at the end of financial ear and lots of stress require strong personality.

Fee Structure:

The fee of Chartered accountant includes the admission fee, tuition fee and examination fee as well. The offering institute of CA is charging different fee from others around fifteen thousand to twenty five thousand rupees per year.



As a chartered accountant need to perform the task with written and oral communication. The interaction with stakeholders, decision makers and peers can be possible with the help of having an excellent command over the communication skill in a professional way.
Business Knowledge:
It helps a business in many fields and requiring for keep up to date with the latest market needs.
The work of chartered accountants is not an easy task. You have to handle all the finances, taxation matters with analytical skills.
New advancements in financial world enables you perfect for performing the tasks of chartered accountancy. So, inner motivation is compulsory.
Analytical Mindset:
The comprehensive list of some accounting tools are sage accounting, fresh books, xero el CA office automation, QuickBooks online.
Chartered accountant skills:
  • To define complex situations to colleagues.

  • Handling of day to day financial changes in business.

  • Great ethics to be professional and trusted by foreign companies as well.

  • or making a right decision, there is requirement of having analytical skill for chartered accountant.

For making a right decision, there is requirement of having analytical skill for chartered accountant.

Fee structure of CA

Registration fee

RS 17500/ once

Annual subscription fee

RS 2000/ yearly

Paper fee (exempt fee)

1 paper = RS 5600/

For first two module of CA

2 papers = RS 9800/

Assessment of fundamental competencies (AFC)

3 papers =RS 14000/

Certificate in Accounting and Finance (CAF)

4 papers = RS 18200/

Computer based Exam (Only for papers having computer based exams)

RS 1100/ additional per paper


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University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Punjab University PU Lahore

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