Shabaan is called the Month of separation during the Arab history because in this month mostly Arab people leave their families and homes to search the water. In Islamic history Shabaan is the most blessed month for the Muslim Ummah. The Holy Prophet PBUH referred that Shabaan is My Month, during this month our beloved Prophet PBUH used to fast more than any Islamic month except Ramadan.


Shabe-e-Barat is the countless blessing night gifted by the Almighty Allah which falls in the 15th night of Shabaan. After 15 or 14 days of this night the most blessed month Ramadan started with countless sowers of blessings upon whole Muslim Ummah. In Arabic Language the word Shabe-e-Barat is said to be as “Lailatul Bara’at” which means the night of liberation and freedom. It is the believe of Muslim Ummah that in this blessed night the Almighty Allah showers his countless merci upon the believers and forgive all the sins and bestowed prosperous future for those who asks for it at this time with their prayers. The Muslims take fast on the day time whereas make celebrations (Melaad) with prayers at night. The mosques and the celebration (Melaad) places are decorated with candles, electric lights and the fireworks.

Celebration of Countless Mercy:

Shabe-e-Barat event is going to be celebrating in 5th July, 2012 on Thursday by Islamic Ummah in Pakistan. All the Muslims are preparing themselves to get the maximum blessing of 15th night of Shabaan. The Preparation of different events of celebrations (Melaad) is going to be held in that blessed night. Every year when this night comes all the Muslim Ummah tries their best to get the forgiveness from Almighty Allah by offering the prayers and having the fast on day time.

Saying of Prophet PBUH:

With reference to the Saying Holy Prophet (PBUH) “People are not aware of the excellence of the month of Shabaan, the month that comes between the months of Rajab and Ramadan. In this month, the action of the people is presented (to ALLAH).I wishes my actions to be presented whilst I am fasting.”

Exchange of Nama-e -Amal

In Shabe-e-Barat the Nama-e –Amal which is also known as the record book of bad and good deeds is exchanged with the new Record book or Nama-e –Amal and kept safe among the other record books since the time of birth to exchanging time, the angels also write the births, deaths of the individuals in the very same night by the commandment of Almighty Allah. It contains all the deeds which the individual has done in the past year, the Almighty Allah has gifted that night to ask the forgiveness by saying prayers.

Islamic Quotations:

Hazret Ali has said: “o people spend the 15th night of Shabaan in divine worship and keep fast on the 15th day of Shabaan. on this auspicious night, ALLAH spreads his mercy on the earth and calls out: ‘is there any who seeks cure from illness that i may cure him? Thus he calls the needy, and grants them their needs, up till dawn.” (ibn majah)

Hazret Abu Bakr said:”on the night of Shabaan, ALLAH spreads his mercy on the earth and pardons all the sinners except the Polytheist,the Hypocrites and those who harbor ill-feeling towards their brethren.” (baihaqi)

Message of Blessing Night:

Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters! The Almighty Allah has provided us an opportunity with an infinite mercy to ask him for forgiveness regarding our sins in such an auspicious night. His Grace and favor is waiting for us now it’s our Turn to get the maximum blessings of Almighty Allah by offering Special Prayers and repent sincerely for our past sins and ask for forgiveness from core of heart.

OH Allah! Send Your Peace of blessings on the Final Prophet PBUH and his companions and those who follow him. My sins are like a huge mountain, my good deeds are like a small pebble I turn to you with full of shames; restore your mercy and forgiveness upon me.

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Mehran Ali

University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Ammara Ghous

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M Abid Ayub

Punjab University PU Lahore

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Jawairia Chaudary

PUCIT Lahore

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