Today when I've heard that Lahore board has again changed the HSSC Part 1 Result 2011 announcement date at once it came into my mind "is this happening in a real life or its something filmi". Mostly in the Bollywood movies you watch this kind of situations when suddenly the scene changed and usually happen that you never thought about.
First of all let me tell you something about the story of HSSC Part 1 Result 2011. First it was announced that it would be declared on 25 August with part 2 result 2011 but both result was delayed and later Inter Part 2 result 2011 was announced on 10 September and Lahore board officials said that part 1 result will be announced within few days. But still students are waiting for the part 1 result 2011 of Inter. After 10 September lots of dates were given to the students by the board but Lahore board not announced any confirm date officially.
Students of Inter are waiting for the result as a Heroin of Bollywood film is waiting for her Hero/boyfriend in the romantic rainy day. But the result is as late as Hero is a police officer and he is running behind some criminals instead of heroin. Lahore Board is giving new result announcement dates as Sunny Deol got dates from the court and now students are crying " Tareekh pa Tareekh Milti h yaha Lakin Result nai Milta" board is giving us dates again and again instead of result.
Students who are very much worried about their result now near to be violent like a hero and you would not be surprised if you read the comments below any news of inter part 1 result 2011 at news website of Pakistan. Lots of students are abusing Lahore board and Pakistani government also, some are demanding for a violent protest against the board.
Now we can say that current situation of students and inter part 1 result is like the Bollywood Trends in which Lahore board and other Punjab boards are playing their roll as Rascal and students are innocent heroes.
Dear Heroes of this Bollywood Movie you should not worry about your result and try to be calm, no need to be violent because result would be announced within few days, as I think on 17 October. So innocent heroes you should be easy now and don't blame anyone for the result late. Lahore Board officials are not doing all this deliberately.
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