Introduction of television in class rooms is an interesting debate .The opposition raised the point that presence of Television in a classroom will distract students from the concentrated learning atmosphere and it will also restrict physical activities of students .Moreover, watching TV will hinder the mental agility which was once sharpen through traditional learning strategies.
The other side however is quite positive about introducing television in educational system as Television in classroom is considered to be a supplementary methodology for enhance and effective learning system.
TVs in Classrooms:
Large TV screens have already admitted into numerous classrooms. They are primarily bought to replace the expensive projectors. Later, these TVs are replacing the white or black boards from the wall as they are quite reasonable in price and far more effective in delivering the lessons. These television screens are not meant only for broadcasting some entertainment programs to students; in fact, they are mounted for their High definition imaging and 3D interface.
Classroom TVs are smart TVS.
It’s not just a TV that is introduced in the classroom; it’s actually a Smart TV which means a whole world of technology is now dominating your classroom to assist teachers and students both on the same time. Generally, Smart TV functions as large tablets .These large screened devices are used to teach groups interactively.
Exclusive Brands with Classroom TV:
Once the idea was launched, every renowned electronic brand geared up to produce their high-class smart TVs with all-inclusive educational features for example Samsung ES8000 recognizing voice and faces.
How come rivals like Sharp, Sony or LG stood behind? These brands are also introducing exclusive smart TVs with interactive apps and built in communications. These smart TVs also integrate social media pages and other communication platforms like Skype, and other popular services.
Apple TV in classrooms:
Apple, as per tradition leads the list of best smart TVs for class rooms. Apple TV has many exceptional features that make it unique from other brands .This Smart TV runs on the iOS platform via an iPad.
Apple TV is distinctive in educational scenario for its unusual mirrored screen acting as an interactive white board. The “Airplay” technology configured in Apple devices can stream a live IOS devise view to a screen of very high dimension. It can also mirror the teacher’s iPad, students’ iPads, and a MacBook.
The Apple TV can Skype another classroom and then display it on a large screen for every student to watch. Apple TV has latest news apps. It can covert the iPad into a document camera and much more.
Benefits of Smart TVs in Classrooms:
Approaches and Flexibilities:
The out-door Videos or photos can be effectively displayed into the classroom and shared with student devices. If a student or the teacher explores a good educational video that can explain the lesson more profoundly then the video can be steamed through these Smart TVs s for the whole class or sometimes the whole schools to see.
Interactions and Engagements:
Previously the teacher has to stand still with the projector to explain the content but now these flexible devices allow the teacher to roam around and deliver their lesson to the whole surrounding.
Student Participation and Socialization:
Learning from Smart TVs is a real fun .Those conventional chalk and dusters have made the student static and bored but now through these Smart TVs the students can visualize the lesson through images and videos. Students can use interactive apps to complete their assignment; this will bring innovative projects with unlimited ideas. The excitement of watching their work on a big screen with their teachers will certainly develop confident and progressive spirits in the students working under their smart TVs assistance.
Learning Via Entertainment:
The classroom Smart TV will download games for students like mathematical games, word searches, and other quizzes. These games will involve the class actively and lively. Moreover, these TVs have voice control and sensors to add up excitement and fun learning atmosphere.
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