If you questioned me on GCSE results day what I think that the world of A-levels will take out, I would have been confident. But after that, I did not know what to expect.

Similar to large number of aspirants in the entire country, I spend my last few years in learning about the Pythagoras’s theorem, moreover that mitochondria is the motivation of the cell. Though, I learned nothing that will prepare me for the future away from my GCSE exams. Along with the advantage of perception, there are some things that I wish someone had told me.

1. The jump from GCSEs is huge

Actually, it is anything however a jump, more of a plunge into a different universe of sleepless nights as well as much work to provoke tears. Conceivably if the upsurge in the work-load had been put in an appearance to me before, I will not have been as much stressed as I was in the beginning weeks.

2. Mess up to your deadlines is a requirement, not a choice

Marina Gjoni, a sixth form aspirant at the Cedars Upper School, says that it is important to be arranged when it comes to your studies. She moreover says that “It did not take me enough long to understand just how rapidly work can stack up. I realized that how important it is to get everything done in the perfect time”. “I also realized that by writing everything in diary as well as scheduling a timetable to meet the deadlines, I felt myself much more at ease and in control as well.”

3. There is more to free periods than social gatherings

I lost my first month of free periods by sitting round about the table eating Doritos, struggling to get pass the level 35 of Candy Crush. Even though, I did eventually complete the level, I did not finish any of my essays. From the starting, it is important to search for the perfect balance between spending time along with your friends and devoting your time to your studies.

4. Everyone is overly caught up in their own manifestations to worry about yours

I admit to being someone who spends most of the first some weeks of sixth form worrying regarding my appearance than my education. Back then bad grades appeared more attractive as compared to the social banishment for a bad outfit. Though, it did not take me long to discover that people are much wrapped up in their own looks to pay attention on anyone else.

5. Getting the work done is down to you, and just you

At A-level, contrasting to the earlier academic years, teachers don’t normally follow you up on work that you have not done and the lessons that you have missed. They will assume you to be able to complete tasks and meet deadlines on your own, which is much difficult as compared to that it sounds.

A 17 year old student at Brighton Hove and Sussex sixth-form college, Yasmin Syed, observes the upside to this new responsibility. She says that: “Not having the teachers plague me for work really inspires me to meet my deadlines in time. It also teaches me liberation as well as more efficient time management.”

6. Keeping up friendships is important

Studying A level can be enough stressful. So now you are going to need your friends more than ever. Though, when you first start university it is enough convenient to become so caught up in your studies that you started to neglect the friendships. Even though, this is unplanned most of the time, it may leads to the issues down the line. If someone had told me all this, then I would have tried to look for healthy balance between friends as well as the school work from the beginning.

7. Take part in everything that you can do

Holly Wright, a 17 years old student at the City and Islington College says that “at first I don’t want to get involved in anything”. “But after sometime, I started to appreciate that additional activities give you something else to pay attention on and amend your CV as well as your personal statement.”

If, just similar to me, your intense attainment is getting through a complete Netflix series in 2 days, don’t frighten. It is never too late to take part in any sport or in any additional activity, and you would be amazed that how nice it is to have something to pay attention on other than your next deadline.

8. You are permitted to have fun

In the months leading till September, I was told that the next two years of my life will be toughest for my academic life and this means that that I entered my A-levels along with the mindset that my life will be all work but no play. The thing that I was not told was that I was permitted to having a day off as well as to give time to myself. It is quite important to grant your efforts as well as know your limits, as after all your mental as well as your physical health should always be the precedence. This is something that is not highlighted enough to the aspirants. It can absolutely be something that can make or also can break your success.


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