Youm-e-Ashura is the tenth day of Muharram-ul-Haram. Since this day is of the great significance in the history of Muslims, that’s why remembrance of the day has always been of great importance to the Muslims of the world. This is not only a Youm-e-Ashura however it refers to number of events in the past took place on the same day. Though, the latest of all is the Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A).

Events occurred on Youm-e-Ashura:

As affirmed by a lot of Islamic scholars, the Youm-e-Ashura is of a great importance in the history of Islam. Away from the tragic event of Karbala, some following events also have taken place on that day:

o   Earth and the skies were created on this day.

o   Adam and Hawwa (A.S) were created on Youm-e-Ashura.

o   Youm-e-Ashura witnessed the bestowing of “Khaleelullah” status to Hazrat Ibrahim.

o   Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S) received his empires on this day.

o   Hazrat Eesaa (A.S) was raised to sky on Youm-e-Ashura

o   Youm-e-Ashura took forgiveness to Hazrat Dawood (A.S) once in history.

Holy Considerations of Youm-e-Ashura:

Youm-e-Ashura is of a great significance in the history of the Muslim world. This day has also been given a spiritual importance by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) by recommending specific activities to be deliberated as the important.

Here we will discuss the Holy considerations of Youm-e-Ahusra:

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1.Namaz (Prayer):

Nawafil Namaz (Prayer which is not obligatory however recommended) is strongly recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on the Youm-e-Ashura and has assured that the rewards will be very high in future.


Another custom that is of the great importance on the Youm-e-Ashura is fasting. Actually, the fasting has been such of importance that the people are used to pay attention on it like that of Ramadan. Youm-e-Ashura is the day on which the fasting has been strongly commended by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) along with the valuable rewards in both this world and hereafter.

3.Visiting sick persons and graveyard of died:

It is also the beauty of Youm-e-Ashura that it reminds us of those loved ones who have passed away from this world.

Moreover, visiting a person who is sick is highly appreciable both by religion as well as by common practice on Youm-e-Ashura.

4.Cooking and distribution of  food:

Youm-e-Ashura is the day when a person is feeling very sad as well as feels pain of others. Therefore, Youm-e-Ashura is the day when a good food is cooked and everyone try to distribute his food among the needy. Youm-e-Ashura is the day when everyone efforts to do something for others as well as for the good of others.

5.Remembrance of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A):

Youm-e-Ashura is the day when Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) received his martyrdom in the war of Karbala (Modern Iraq).

As that war was against dictatorship and Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) played his vital role in the best way to protect the cause as well as the holiness of Islam, hence the Muslims from all the zones of the world are joined their hands and try to remember those days.

They feel proud by repeating the history of Youm-e-Ashura and try to teach themselves the lessons of truth, honesty, bravery as well as sacrifice for the only cause.

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Mehran Ali

University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Ammara Ghous

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M Abid Ayub

Punjab University PU Lahore

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Jawairia Chaudary

PUCIT Lahore

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