Where the Covid-19 pandemic made us disturbed, at the same time, it also made us aware of our capabilities. A lot of things and improvements we need to bring in the education system that we got to know because of this pandemic. The pandemic pushed us to go through a complete lockdown. During this lockdown, we had learned that how to cope not only with this pandemic but also to the flaws in our routines we are suffering from.

To cover the loss of education, the education ministries made a lot of changes in the education system that can be led in the future to make our education system more strong and valuable. Indeed, in the beginning, we suffered a lot and faced big challenges and losses in the academic year. But, we have brought the new ways of learning that are not only making us beneficiary during the lockdown but these will bring the changes in the study and exams system after lockdown. The following are the expectations we are seeing to have in our education system after ending this lockdown.

Online Classrooms

Generally speaking that most of our students, even higher education level students, were not so familiar with the online classrooms. Students through several applications joined the online classrooms during the lockdown to cover their study loss. Indeed the phenomenon to arrange online classes is too difficult but it led us towards creating the professional Learning Management Systems, LMS. This thing enables us to start online courses or study programs which is a good idea to enhance the values of education.


Familiarity With Technology

Students other than technology-related study programs were not so familiar with the advancement of technology. But, during the lockdown students learned that how to use smart devices for education or study purposes. Students are getting familiar with the use of mobile phones, laptops, or the internet that how these things can make us able to join our students or teachers to collaborate for covering the study loss. 

New Opportunities

Most of the people were deprived of education due to some genuine reasons. For example, people who have the responsibility to earn for their family or home were led themselves away from education. Women who are not allowed to visit higher education institutes physically also deprived of education. People living in distant places and are unable to leave their places were also facing deprivation from higher education. But, all these ambiguities and compulsions are going to end because of the online learning system.

People having no time to attend the classes they may be able to get online education. People who are not allowed to visit colleges and universities physically will be able to get educated from their homes. People who cannot afford migration will be able to get a higher education degree at their place.



The Final Thoughts

For every developed country, it is necessary to have the pre-plannings to cope with any sudden and hazardous situation. Pakistan is one of those countries that are in the race of development. If such changes (online education system) and others would come to appear in Pakistan then we would be listed in the developed countries of the world.    


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