Teamwork is very important in a student life and as well as in any office. Like it is said
“Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration, as we need an entire army of companies to work together to build a better world within the next few decades. This means corporations must embrace the benefits of cooperating with one another”. Simon Mainwaring
Nowadays it’s very difficult to work with team members, this happened so often in universities and in office as well. Every person is different in nature to deal with a team who are different in mentality and nature it is very hard to manage a team.
It’s possible you have one member in your member who responds really well to constructive criticism, while another team member needs good feedback phrased in a gentler way. You have a member who prefers to answer all the team projects via email and doesn’t like to talk on the phone, while other members prefer one to one talk.
So, yup you will get this kind of team members who are good in their own skills. Now the problem is how you are going to deal with your team without any conflicts and achieve your company tasks. So there are some skills you can develop in yourself and resolve the issue of team members.
Develop Emotional Intelligence
To understand other person emotions is very important skills. This skill a very important in your professional life. Your employees might not always be same in nature, so its possible they don’t prefer to ask questions or share their concerns or problems with you.
So as a team leader, you need to observe them, notice their behavior so that you can learn how to deal with them emotionally or practically.
Seek to Understand Your Employees
It is also very important to know your team members deeply. It means you must know what are the strength and weaknesses of your members. What they can do best. Because each any member got a different skill, so must know their skills and use their skills in projects, always divide the work according to their skills. So understanding is very important for a team to fulfill goals.
Like it is said “Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing”. Rollo May
Make Your Check-ins Holistic
If you keep a check in on your teams, it’s a good way to know your team. This check-in provides an opportunity that you know what your team members are doing, what is their career goals. But this seems very professional, you must consider this as personal as well. You should check on your team problems as well so that you get to know what effect your team member because that thing or problem can affect your teamwork as well. Give your team member some space so that they can solve their personal issues. Don’t push them too much when they are facing personal issues. So always check in with your team to know them in a personal way not only in a professional way.
Be an Advocate
As a team manager, you are responsible for their success and failure of your team. But as a manager, you should serve a source of empowerment and encouragement.
As a manager, it is your duty to lead your team and recognize their worth and reward them according to their contribution to a team. So always observe your team members instead of lecturing them all the time. Notice them and then respond accordingly.
So, it is important to spend time with your team to know them professionally and personally. If you do that, you will be a successful manager or maybe a good leader who can lead his team efficiently.
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