"Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There's going to be stress in life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not" Valerie Bertinelli
"Happiness is the secret to all beauty; there is no beauty that is attractive without happiness." Christian Dior
"The basic thing is that everyone wants happiness, no one wants suffering. And happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors. If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy." - H.H. the Dalai Lama
Everyone think that happiness should be achieved as if happiness is a goal of life. No one can earn it, buy it or make its. There is no formula to be happy, or no recipe is available that you use to be happy in life. People are waiting for happiness. Like, if I have money I will be happy. Money can’t buy you happiness. It’s a misconception.
As long as we are going to place conditions on our happiness, we will be overlooking the possibility that what we are looking for may already be there within us. We will always be looking for happiness in things which can be stolen or destroyed rather than simply just choose to be happy here and now. If we just think like that no one can take away our happiness ever.
There is lots of power in realizing that we are in charge of our own happiness. No one else have any right of our happiness. The research on happiness always shows that external factors play very small role in determining how happy you are. There are so many people who have money more than they need still they are unhappy. If wealth or fame could make us happy, then film industry should be the happiest place on earth. This is clearly not the case many actors commit suicide.
The truth is that as long as we think about the future happiness and leave all the current moments of happiness. We are never going be happy. Happiness is not in the things it’s in moments in small stuff. We need to recognize that and be happy in current moments of life.
We need to learn how to choose happiness now; this is the only time it can be experienced. This can be happened if we just change our thinking way. There are so many things happened in our life in daily routine but none of that can affect us unless or until we respond to it. So what, if we respond to it in a positive way and think that whatever is happened to us is good for our future. We just need to be positive about the situation in life.
Through learning and choosing to think positive and change your actions which do not support happiness can help us to be happy. Happiness is a habit, not a choice.
There will be a time when life brings some obstacles that can challenge our thinking about happiness. There are times when there seems to be no way of finding joy. But if we think positive and believe that we can be happy, so we find a way of light when there seems to be no light. A positive thought a positive belief can bring happiness. So always think about being happy no matter whatever happened in life find a way to be happy. So live the moment today, be happy with your family make them happy and you will be happy.
When you see a smile on their face and the reason would be you. So, as said before happiness is a habit be happy the entire time think about happy things and life will be happy and smiling to you.
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