Over the years, America’s education system has gone through an abundance of changes. Some of these changes have been effective, while others have been ridiculed across the board. In recent days, the government has announced potential new changes that could change the education system as you know it. The State of Florida has announced its intention to implement sweeping changes in House Bill 7055. How will this bill change Florida’s educational system? What will happen to teachers and students? You’ll find out below.

Teacher Union Changes

Unions have always played a big role in the education system. If Florida’s politicians have their way, that could change significantly. House Bill 7055 makes it possible to decertify teacher unions, if membership actually dips below 50% of eligibility. Of course, it is important to note that Florida’s Senate will still need to address the bill. Thus far, this measure has not been able to gain traction in the Senate. Nevertheless, there is still a possibility that Unions could take a significant hit should House Bill 7055 pass in the State of Florida.


The bill is also designed to change state-backed scholarship programs. If the bill is indeed passed, those scholarship programs will attempt to encourage students to enroll in private schools instead of public schools. This would ultimately drive more state funds to private schools and it could negatively impact public schools throughout the State. Again, it is unknown whether these measures will ultimately pass. Florida’s Senate is expected to begin debating the issues on Tuesday. At this point, it seems that the Senate will happily keep the Hope Scholarship.

This is a unique scholarship that is given to bullied students. The measures could also help kids learn more about electronics and computers. Issues such as learning about the Mac disk cleanup application could be discussed in schools in the future. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the Hope Scholarship would be changed under this bill. The car purchase sales tax credit would drop to $20 instead of $105.

More Measures

It is also believed that the Senate could add a few amendments to the bill. Some of those would address the recent school shooting in Florida. SB 1434 would add additional funding to help expand mental health services. This was supported across the board after the recent school shooting. The Schools of Hope public school program would also be changed. SB 1684 would provide more support to more struggling schools in Florida.

It is also believed that Florida’s Senate could add a financial literacy course requirement to the graduation agenda. Finally, SB 118 would allow lawmakers to visit any public school within their district without needing to provide advance notice.

Could It Pass?

There is some doubt that these measures could pass. After all, many senators complained that they were actually left out of the negotiations. Another recent bill nearly failed, after several lawmakers revolted. There is a good chance that the issues will be debated back and forth, before any bill manages to pass through both chambers.

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