The colored lenses are the kind of lenses which changes the color of your eyes and are used just for the sake of fashion and don’t correct your eye vision. They are in fashion, popular, and potentially dangerous. Whereas millions of people wear it because they want to get rid of uncomfortable glasses but most of those people have misused their lenses in some way. If you are also one of lenses wearer then you should keep in mind that if the contact lenses have taken place in your life then the following protection measures should also be a part of your life.
- Sleeping in contact lenses: Although doctors from all around the world keep warning that one should never sleep with his/her contact lenses on but almost everybody does it at one point or another, but the biggest offenders are teenage and females with ages in between twenty’s. Although many lenses are approved by doctors to be worn even while going to bed but still the problem with sleeping in lenses is that it is the number one cause of severe eye infection called corneal ulcers. At best corneal ulcers are extremely painful and costly to treat and at worst could lead to the need for a corneal transplant or even loss of the entire eye. The reason overnight lens wear is so dangerous is because the lens on the eye provides a surface to which bacteria can cling. While sleeping, the environment underneath the eyelid is warm and moist, the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Almost everyone who gets an infective corneal ulcer wakes up in the morning with it after having slept in their contact lenses.
- Wearing a single pair of contact lenses longer than prescribed: what most of the people think is “Money’s tight, the lenses still seem alright”, why not just keep on wearing them? Which later on causes the eyes to become less healthy, less able to defend themselves, and have more chances to get an eye infection. Has your eye doctor ever looked at your eyes and then asked how long you had your last pair of lenses? We aren’t psychic – we see the damage caused by contact lens over wear. Two-Week lenses are FDA approved for two week wear for a reason.
- Rinsing lenses with something other than contact lens solution: I hope that this one is the least common mistake because this one is truly dangerous. You might as well pick up a big jar of bacteria and dump it in your eye. One of the worst way of cleaning lenses is rinsing in tap water. Never, ever for any reason rinse soft contacts in anything other than contact lens solution.
- Wearing someone else’s contact lenses: Just like any other exchange of body fluid like blood you run the risk of catching diseases, viruses, or plain old pink eye. Do you think it would be foolish to use someone else’s toothbrush? Or some ones used thermometer? Well it is even more foolish to wear a contact lens that has been in someone else’s eyes.
- Putting in whichever lens solution is available: For sure your eye doctor has recommend a specific lens solution for you to use based on compatibility with the lens and with your eyes, and proven effectiveness in clinical trials. And also if a problem does arise related to your contact lens wear then it is easier to troubleshoot if you have used a single solution consistently rather than going from one solution to the next.
Moreover one should replace contacts as recommended by your eye care professional. Throw away disposable lenses after recommended wearing period. Because there are reasons why contact lenses have expiration dates. And one should always ask her/his eye care professional before using any medicine or using topical eye products, even those you buy without a prescription. Some medicines may affect your vision or irritate your eyes.
Kanwal Batool
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