Education is the most important weapon to survive in the modern age and it is the key to get all type of success because no one can get success in the world without education. Education gives us fine confidence to stand in the society to speak for the rights and give us existence in-front of others to show our skills that beneficial for all. Education as important as oxygen to take breath for life, we can get education on the every step of this world because education is not limited for ages or person. From child to old citizen (all ages) can learn for the betterment. “Seek knowledge from cradle to grave”. It does not only learn by read or write books even we can learn even from traveling. Yes, traveling is also the great learning source to experience things by it-self for their career and proper utilize the knowledge for awareness. It makes you independence; means that you do not depended on others. So, let’s buy online cheap air tickets from or call us (042) 111-147-111 and go to learn something new by exploring the world because world fully cover with natural/universal knowledge or truth. In this era every one become very mean, he/she do not deliver proper awareness or education to other. In this circumstances ilm ki dunya is that hopeful plat-form that guide accurate and proper knowledge to every individual because our believe says, “Spreading knowledge increase your knowledge”. Let’s discuss the points which can only avail by the key of education. It is the magic key that opens all the doors with the respect and turns your dreams in the reality that makes your life happy or stable.
Good Job Opportunities:
The most paying regards of education for the human is open the door of best job vacancies that give you respect in the society and make you secure as financially. A handsome salary holder man can make better life-style in the society and live proudly with their family. Educated person is more valuable in the professional life and it has more career opportunities as compare to that person who get job from the intercession. Because intercessor can do perform only limited duties while degree holder explore more opportunities and make that place more successful and famous due to the proper education skills, because of that his/her salary is maximum and it up-grated very soon with self-respect and mentally satisfaction that the cause of healthy life.
Increase Self Esteem Level:
Education gives us confidence to take decision in the life and changes thinking level confidentially for the betterment, many times less educated people experiences some embarrassment moments but overcomes on it only that who able to understand the worth of education and have self-esteem to convert embarrassment moment with the great beneficial experience. So knowledge make you able which time of wearing suitable according to current society, how to speak with others, follow the rules as a responsible citizen and all these factor increase your confidence or self esteem level automatically.
Equal Rights/ Equality Among All:
The major fact of the societies is un-equality between the caste, tribes or religion. This fact only removes by the proper learning and awareness. Only education is the source that connects different type of castes, tribes or religions in one plat form. Because education provide equal post or position without any discrimination. It provide equality among them even they have different opinions but the position is same and give respect equally, all rights are same that given them, remove gender inequality between them. It develops positive perspective to looking at the life. Education is like a big tree that gives shadow and fruit to every one without any discrimination between rich or poor, caste, religion and region.
Education Is Significant For The Countries:
Education considered a currency in the knowledge economy. It empowers people to develop personally and become politically active that maintain the global prosperity of nations. It is also good for the world future because all countries safe in educated hands or minds. Education realizes the rules, rights, equality and socialism that is good for the development of countries around the world. Educated politician knows all the necessities of countries and its nations that improve the economic growth of entire world’s countries and empowered people personally active in the political field, it well distinguish between rite, wrong and avoid illegal activities in the society that help to create a peaceful world. In other words, education is the significant investment for the countries future. .
Mehran Ali