As Virtualization technology continues to grow, it makes utter sense to train in the field of virtualization even if you are or if you are not already a virtualization technology expert. VM Training, a global technology and training expert is known to be the best in its field for offering Virtualization training and can offer you those ever important steps forward to becoming a Certified Virtualization Expert (CVE).
A certificate in the CVE is worth a significant amount in the work place, as you not only can say you have the passed one of the hardest virtualization tests out there, you've actually learnt more than you ever thought you could. With in-depth training focused on virtual design, maintenance and infrastructure management, you'll get all the information ever needed to complete any task in virtualization technology. Not only that, but the training will be current and relevant, making sure that you can always complete what is required of you in the work place.
This certificate is certainly not for the beginner in the I.T field. Labeled as one of the most difficult certifications out there, it is more appropriate for those who have experience with virtualized servers such as VMware ESX, ESXi or the VMware Virtual Centre, but have not yet certified. Valid experience should be in the implementation and configuration of these servers for a period of at least 6 months in a medium sized business, in order to be an appropriate candidate for the CVE.
CVE candidates often already understand the processes involved in virtualization technology, from the planning up to the process of securing the VM Virtual infrastructure, which is built up of the already mentioned servers. Moreover, a perfect candidate will understand the advantages for virtualization too, including the reduction of physical servers, which saves on server space and business running costs.
A certification can really improve your prospects. In the competitive work place these days, it is not considered enough to have years of experience or a University degree, and to be even considered for a jump up the career ladder you will need to show your commitment to the job and demonstrate your abilities through experience and certification.
The Certified Virtualization Expert is made up of a 2 hour exam, which requires you to answer 80 questions upon current and relevant virtualization technologies used in the business world today. To pass, you will need to get 75% - a very high pass rate! Most professionals in order to pass the CVE attend a boot camp or use the boot camp computer based training. Both options are jam packed with information, but computer based training is less intensive and you can learn in your own home.