The Punjab Boards announced the result of the SSC part II on 31st August 2022. The candidates affiliated with the educational boards such as BISE Lahore, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Multan, BISE DG Khan, BISE Rawalpindi, BISE Faisalabad, BISE Sahiwal, BISE Sargodha, and BISE Bahawalpur can check the result. After the announcement of the result, many students apply for rechecking in case they do not feel satisfied with the marks obtained in the annual exam of matric. Moreover, the candidates that failed in any subject have also to reappear in the exam in order to pass it. The Punjab educational boards have been struggling hard to facilitate the students before the commencement of the annual exam and even after the announcement of the result.
Rechecking of Papers
While applying for the rechecking of the papers the candidates have to follow the instructions mentioned below.
For rechecking, the candidates have to submit the application form to the respective board authorities.
Usually, the candidates can submit the application form up to 15 days after the announcement of the result.
The candidates have to submit the form according to the issued schedule. The incomplete and late submitted application forms will be rejected.
Seven days after the rechecking of the papers the students will be informed about the correction in the marks in the case of any counting mistake.
It is not compulsory that there will be a full chance of an increase in the marks if you apply for the rechecking.
The candidates have to submit the rec
Make sure to follow all the instructions regarding the rechecking of the papers to avoid any inconvenience.
Why Recheck Papers
Following are some of the reasons why the students want to recheck the papers after the announcement of the result.
To make sure that the marks on the result card are the same as the marks on the written paper.
Any question remains without a tick mark.
Improvement Of Marks In Matric Exam
The candidates that fail in any subject or want to improve their grades or marks will be provided four examination opportunities within the period of three years after passing the exam but the students can not get higher education during this period. However, it is the choice of the student whether he/she appears in the annual exam for the improvement in the marks in the SSC annual exam or as a whole. Once the result of the candidate will be improved she/he will not be permitted to take the exam again. The higher qualification means the completion of HSSC for the candidates appearing to improve the result of SSC. The candidates that want to improve overall grades E or D are allowed to take the four chances till the achievement of grade C. The candidates appearing for improvement in the exam after a gap of two years from the year of the passing of the SSC exam will have to provide an affidavit that he/she has not get the higher qualification. The Result Sheet and Certificate issued by the Board should show the number of attempts availed by the candidates. The candidates who had appeared in SSC Examination (Annual) 2020 and onward can also avail of these chances if they have not improved their matric results previously. Moreover, the candidates having an overall ‘E’ grade or ‘D' grade may avail their chances accordingly.
Reappearing In Exam
The supplementary examination is conducted by the Board for the students that fail in any subject. To appear in the exam the students have to submit the examination form along with the prescribed fee to the respective board authorities. The schedule for the commencement of the supply exam will be soon provided to the candidates.
Majid Anwar
Alam Ali
10 Jul 2024I want to rechecking my result free
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