Are you the one who is popular in your class for dozing during the lecture of your teacher? You may think that it’s not a big issue but in real… it is a “BIG” issue. Students in middle school and especially high school need to score good grades for their future admissions in colleges and universities, so staying awake and attentive in class in really necessary for them. These are some key point to stay up and attentive in class.
- Get a good night's sleep:
Irregular sleep patterns can lead to symptoms of depression and inattention, getting enough sleep is an obvious way to stay awake during class which leads you to a healthy class session, so aim for a regular sleep schedule. - Try to exercise in the morning:
Exercise!!! This will give you a rush and could make you feel less sluggish. Ride, walk, or even skate to school. There are so many easy ways to get morning exercise. - Get 5 minutes of sun:
Take a break and go out in sun, Sun exposure wakes you up. All your sleep will vanish right after going into sunshine. That's why people get black-out shades when they sleep -- it's harder to sleep with the sun shining on your body. - Eat energizing and healthy food:
In most of the cases, you can have an energy drink but beware because they are relatively bad for you and are a nasty habit to develop also its expensive one too. Eat plenty of protein and carbohydrates to give you energy. Eat a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast. Eat fruits and drink more and more of water as well, even during class if you can, to help keep you awake and alert. - Sit in front row of class:
Sitting in the front of the class makes it easier to maintain your focus on lecture. Besides, you are much less likely to drift off under a professor's watchful eyes. - Clod water can help you:
Wash your face with a cold wash to wake yourself up whenever you feel a bit sleepy, it will leave you very fresh and will help you to concentrate on lecture. - Keep yourself busy:
To stay awake in class, make notes of your lecture which is being thought at the moment, do your homework, ask questions, and participate. Do stuff like that to keep yourself busy and alert. - Keep yourself moving:
Bounce your leg, silently tap on your leg, desk, books, or arm (without anyone hearing it), stretch back in your seat, change positions often. This will keep you from getting too comfortable in your seat. - Keep it straight:
Sitting up straight in class will improve your focus, not to mention your posture. - A chewing gum will work for you:
Don’t forget the mint candies and chewing gums which have entertained you since you were a child,If you are allowed then for sure chewing a gum will not let you sleep or a mint candy will keep you fresh.
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