In today's digital age, international and some national companies and organizations conduct the interview on Skype. The first thought that pops up in your mind is to thank God I would not have to go to another city or country to give the interview. The second question will rise how on earth I am going to give an interview on Skype? Luckily we are here to answer this question, below are top ten pointers to prepare for a Skype interview.
1. Deal with the technical issues in advance
Checking your laptop or PC before hand is really useful. Skype also allows you to check your camera and microphone, but you need to address to other problems such as your battery timing, processor speed, what your second option if the power goes off. All these tiny issues yet recipe for a disaster need to be taken care off before hand. Try calling a friend on Skype before the actual interview so you can get things in place for the real interview.
2. Check your surroundings
Have a spot dedicated for the interview. If you are giving your interview from home, find a quiet and tidy place for it. Make sure that the place behind you i.e. your background is clean no distracting stuff is placed behind you most preferably find a nice white wall and sit there for the interview.
3. Visibility issues
Most of the time people taking your interview are not able to see your face due to poor lighting. Light intensity and direction of light play a key role in your appearance. People who cannot afford to buy special lights for the best effect are advised to position themselves in natural light in such a way that they appear clearly. For this purpose, you can also use a lamp light directed towards your face so that your face is visible to the interviewer. Again try calling a friend first to figure it out.
4. Adjusting your angle
Most common thing people do is that they place their camera way too close or way too far. Try finding the correct frame so that your upper body and face is visible. It can be time-consuming but you’ll eventually get the right frame.
5. Appearance counts
This is optional you can wear formal clothes or you can just wear casual clothes. This applies mainly to male gender here in Pakistan. Dressing code is same as you would wear for a casual interview. Clothing should be tidy, simple yet elegant and it should depict your professionalism.
6. Look into camera
This one is rather funny but worth the quote. People up for an online interview please look into the webcam or the camera lens rather than seeing at your on video on the screen or the video of the interviewer. We all do this occasionally but do not do this in the interview as it seems that you are not making eye contact with the other person. It is frequently advised to make eye contact so, when in Skype interview look at the camera.
7. Preview Bullets
I do not know whether it is a good point or a bad one but still cheat when you get the chance in Skype interview here is how. Take notes and convert them into bullet form. Save this as your desktop screen, minimize your video screen for a quick preview but don’t take long as it breaks the eye contact and the interviewer is not an amateur.
8. Make notes
If you feel you need to ask something write it down. But firstly ask you, interviewer, if they are okay with you writing the things down that you would want to discuss later. This will provide you as a guide for future references.
9. Avoid distractions
Try to avoid distractions at all costs. Interview most of the time take around about half an hour, so avoid sitting in a crowded area. If you are at home try having a separate spot where you can deal with only the interview.
10. Calm your nerves down
Before I finish, last suggestion would be is to take a deep breath and relax. It is an interview not the end of the world. If you don't get the job you’ll learn from the experience.
We wish you all the best for your interview if you are having one. If you are here for just a read hope this was helpful and informative.
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