12th Class Mathematics Book
Students who want to get the Maths book of class 12 are on right place. From here you can acquire the 12th class ptb books of Maths in english medium. Math book consisits of these chapters function and limit, integration, differenciation, Introduction to analytic geometry, vectors and Linear.
12th Class Mathematics Notes
Students of Class 12 are apprised that they can download the 2nd year notes with best solution of each chapter. 2nd year math notes pdf download are available on this page totally free of cost. We are advised the students do not waste their time just click download button and get the complete chapter wise notes.
12th Class Mathematics Syllabus
Syllabus shows the complete view of whole book and guide us how to study with sequence. So to facilitate the students we are providing the Math syllabus class 12. Download the syllabus in pdf form.
12th Class Mathematics Pairing Scheme
Pairing scheme give a path to the students about the paper pattern which is necessary for the students before the exams. Pairing scheme of 2nd year has been shred with the students so you can check the scheme of 12th class 2024.
12th Class Mathematics Online MCQ's Test
To attempt the Online MCQ's test before the exam is necessary just because it helps the students to find out their mistakes before attempt the final paper and moreover to judge their preapartion either they are ready or not to attempt the final paper of Mathematics. Therefore, students must have to clear the 12th class online mcqs test of Maths.
Maths Online MCQs Test | Attempt |
FSC Maths | Attempt |
ICS Maths | Attempt |
12th Class Mathematics Video Lectures
We are offering the 12th Class video lectures of Maths to understand the complete concept of questions because Maths is tough to understand so these lectures will definitely help the students to get the concept of excercises.