10th Class Menu

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Updated February 2024
The most recent updates regarding 10th Class Physics  Notes 2024 are now accessible on the Ilmkidunya website, where PDF files have been uploaded for the convenience of students. These notes offer a convenient way for students to access and download material to enrich their learning journey effectively.

10th Class Physics PDF Notes

Chapters Chapter Name Medium
1 Simple Harmonic Motion and Wave English Medium
2 Sounds English Medium
3 The Geometrical Optics English Medium
4 The Electrostatics English Medium
5 The Current Electricity English Medium
6 The Electromagnetism English Medium
7 The Basic Electronics English Medium
8 Information Communication Technology English Medium
9 The Atomic and Nuclear Physics English Medium

Download 10th Class Physics Notes 2024

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The students of 10th class would understand SHM (simple harmonic motion) through various examples like pendulum ball and the bowl, understand displaced pendulum, understand damping process, understand wave motion and understand the transfer of energy through waves.

After studying chapter 2, students will understand how sound is created through the vibrating medium, explain sound wave's longitudinal nature, and understand pitch, quality of sound, and loudness. Students will also understand effects of amplitude change towards loudness and frequency change effect on sound’s pitch. Students will describe what noise stands for as well as sound reflection produces echo.

Students after studying chapter 3 will understand terms like angle of incidence used for laws of reflection, angle of refraction, light passage through parallel side material, and solve various image location problems through mirror formula. Students will also understand passing of light through prism, working of total internal reflection, working of light by way of lenses, understand magnifying power, resolving power, long-sightedness, and short-sightedness.

Students after studying chapter 4 will describe how electric charge detection and production works, what are negative and positive charges, how principle of electroscope works, explain coulomb’s law, describe electrostatic potential concept, understand what is volt, explain capacitance and formula for effective capacitance.

Students after studying chapter 5 will explain what electric current, concept behind conventional current, working of ohm’s law, resistance, effective resistance, resistance factors for metallic conductor and difference between insulators and conductors.Students will also understand how to calculate cost of energy, difference between a.c. and d.c, identify various circuit components like resistors, batteries, switches etc., understanding the usage of electric measuring devices like voltmeter, ammeter and galvanometer.

Students after studying chapter 6 will understand how conductor in an electric current has magnetic field, working of force in magnetic field, working of torque in current in magnetic field, turning effect of coil, explain factors affecting induced e.m.f, describe a.c generator and purpose of transformers in varios A.C circuits.

Students after studying chapter 7 will understand thermionic emission process of filament, usage of electron gun, effects of electric field towards electron beam, effects of magnetic field towards electron beam, CRO basic principle and its uses, difference between digital and analogue electronics and understand basic operations of digital electronics

After studying chapter 8, students will understand IT components, transmission of electric signals by wires, radio waves by air and light signals by optical fibers. Students will also explain fax machine, photo phone, cell phone, computer, internet, email, hard disk, compact disk, flash drive uses.

Students after studying chapter 9, will understand atom structure having electron and nucleus, nucleus composition, how protons distinguishes various elements and explain nuclei instability, explain types of radiation. Students will also understand radioactive emission and their involved nature, ionizing effect and penetrating abilities, how elements change with regard to radioactivity and understand changes in nucleus composition through symbolic equations like beta or alpha.

10th Class Notes

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