Study in Germany Guide


Want to go to Germany for higher studies?

Introduction of Study in Germany

Germany is a modern society and a land, full of opportunity with great history of industry, politics and economics. An independent nation running its trade and governing with self-assurance, Germany has risen to be a great power of Europe.
With the flags slogan of unity, justice and freedom, Germany is a nation of eighty million people. An ever increasing GDP and a rising value of the euro, Germany harbors some of the finest industries and workers of the world. Berlin the capital city is the largest city of Germany.
Germany is the biggest economy in Europe and the third largest in the world, only after the United States and Japan. The export operations are the major revenue generator of Germany. Germany is the world's top exporter. The aftermath of the reunification hasn't really faded away, with West Germany leading the way in most of the sectors. New government policies have emphasized on renewable sources of energy, bio mass, hydro and geothermal energy. Germany is slowly growing into a very balanced economy.
The population of Germany according to the latest survey is estimates to be around 82.4 million, spread out in an area of 357 thousand square kilo meters. Though the population is vast, the standard of living is quite high, especially in the west considering the impact of the reunification of 1990.
Germany, as a state that we know now was unified in 1871, when the German empire was forged, with the kingdom of Prussia as its largest continent. The empire was a unification of all the scattered parts of Germany except Austria, beginning in 1884, Germany started establishing colonies outside Europe. Germany's imperialism reached outside of its own country and joined many other powers in Europe to claim their share of Africa.
The world wars had a major impact on Germany and for many set its future as a nation that harbored the Nazi party and its cruel perpetration on human life after the Second World War. The war resulted in death of millions of people across the country and eventually led to the division of Germany into the eastern and western fragments each with their own government policies and rules with varying economic and political practices. The contemporary world has witnessed the reunification of the west and the East Germany and the rebirth of a nation torn down with strife and separation. Germany is now a vast power growing consciously amidst the countries of the world.
Study in Germany Guide


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