Study in Canada Guide


Want to go to Canada for higher studies?

Reasons to Study in Canada

Following are the reasons to study in Canada:
  • The United Nation ranking says that the Canada is the best place to study and live due to the high quality of education and living standard. There are good health care system, low crime rates, normal population density and plenty of fresh water.
  • Educational institutes of Canada are highly reputed and famous globally because of their education of high quality. Living and studying in Canada is very cheap in the world. The degrees and diplomas of Canadian educational institutions are highly reputed and accepted globally in different fields of life. The students of Canadian institutes had earned great repute worldwide. Tuition fees of Canadian universities are lowest in English speaking countries.
  • There are world class colleges and universities in Canada which offers degrees and diplomas in many technical and professional disciplines. A great number of students all over the world get admission in Canadian educational institutions so you have a great chance to meet students from all over the world.
  • Students who got graduation degrees from Canadian universities and colleges can do job in Canada for one year after they receive their degrees or diplomas. International students can work on campus or off campus without a work permit.
  • It is very safe and peaceful country to live and politically well establish. Most of the international students think Canada is one of the best countries to live peacefully and safely in the world.
  • Canada has very sophisticated yet inexpensive health care facilities. Compared to other countries, medical insurance is inexpensive in Canada.
  • Students can enhance their linguistic and communicative abilities in Canada which is measured world leaders in language training. Over a century, Canada's two official languages (English and French) have been taught as second languages.
  • Canada is home to a large number of native people, called First Nations. Over the past century and a half, Canada has welcomed 15 million immigrants. Every year, some 200,000 new immigrants arrive here making Canada - a diverse and rich cosmopolitan country. Canada has a national policy for multiculturalism and works to ensure that people's customs and civilization are preserved and appreciated.
  • While Canada has big cities, it also has a huge amount of unsettled land and a thriving national and provincial parks system. The temperature varies a great deal in Canada. Certain cities almost never have snow in the winter while other cities may get a lot. There's something for everyone, including indoor and outdoor recreational activities at no or low cost. Our four distinct seasons offer variety and their special pleasures.
  • Canadians can be reserved with newcomers but are generally very welcoming, amicable and respectful of differences. Educational institutions encourage new students from abroad and many have targets to increase their numbers of international students. One thing is for sure-Study in Canada will be a memorable experience!


Canada Guides


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