The first book to show companies how to generate word-of-mouth marketing. When buying most things consumers rely heavily on personal recommendations from friends and family, colleagues and peers - and sometimes even strangers. Yet most marketing still focuses on advertising and other tools to influence each customer individually, ignoring the fact that buying 'conversation products' is a social process. The Anatomy of Buzz is the first book to show how to help customers influence each other through word-of-mouth, using case studies and concrete example: Why did it take cameras 50 years to spread from professionals to the public? ow did Sun Microsystems use the networks to spread the word about Java? ow did the makers of Trivial Pursuit create huge demand for the game almost overnight? ow did Nintendo create unprecedented buzz for Super Mario Brothers? Word-of-mouth has long been recognized as a powerful marketing tool. As customers grow ever more sceptical they may not listen to adverts, but they do listen to their friends. This book tells how to do it successfully.
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