A beloved tale of genies, a magic lamp, an evil villain and the remarkable adventures of a boy called Aladdin. Fifteen-year-old Aladdin is befriended by a stranger who says he is Aladdin’s uncle. Charmed by his generosity and friendliness, Aladdin accompanies the man to a cave somewhere in the wilderness outside the city. From the cave, Aladdin gathers all kinds of astonishing jewels and a lamp that looks old and ordinary. But when the stranger reveals himself as a magician and locks Aladdin in the cave, the boy discovers there is magic everywhere, including in the old ring he is wearing on his finger. From here start the extraordinary exploits of Aladdin. Will he be able to become a rich man with the help of the genie of the lamp? Will he win the hand and heart of the Princess Badroulboudour? And how will he rescue her when his lamp is stolen from him by trickery? An everlasting story of genies and enchantment, love and deceit, a poor boy and a beautiful princess, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp will capture the hearts of readers once more, in this beautiful edition introduced by Ruskin Bond.
Book Detail
- Publisher
- Speaking Tiger
- Publication Date
- 10/06/2018
- Number of Pages
- 160
- Binding
- Paper Back
- 9789387693807
- Category
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