3rd Chapter

11th Class Statistics Chapter 3 Preparation

Here you can prepare 11th Class Statistics Chapter 3 (Measure of Location) Preparation. Click the button for 100% free full practice Preparation.

First Year Statistics Chapter 3 Online Short Questions for 1st Year Statistics Chapter 3 (Measure of Location)

Statistics is the interpretation of the numerical data. Basically the statistics is used to compare the data so that analyst can easily look up for new meaning and changes for the betterment. Statistics plays an important role in every field i.e. in medical field, engineering field, in business and many more. It consist the concept of quality testing. Statistics is used to make the better decisions in the business.

The students of ICS part 1 who are tired from the old methods of studying from the same continuous books and note books and wants the proper guidance for the subject statistics in a new way then you are on the perfect platform. Ilmkidunya is the Pakistan no 1 platform for the students that provide every kind of study material to the students. Ilmkidunya not only provides the study material such as short questions, mcqs, past paper it also provide online test to the students of every level. Students can select the class and subject on a single click for the online test and can easily prepare for their exams and tests. For online test first you have to know the chapters. Ilmkidunya also provide the video lectures to the students so that they can study online easily by the best teachers in an easy way.

Here ilmkidunya is providing all the important and updated short questions of the chapter 03 (Measure of Location) of the statistics subject. All the short questions are important, latest and according to the board pattern. Students can easily prepare for their papers and test here. These short questions of the chapter 3 covers all the chapter very easily, so that students can learn the whole chapter without difficulty

To get up to dates of all the study news and latest study material keep visiting the site ilmkidunya. In this way students are also eligible to find results of all boards. They can also download the guess papers, date sheets, roll no slips and other material regarding study.

ICS Part 1 Statistics Preparation

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    Laiba Azam

    01 Jan 2020

    Statistics ky notes open nhi ho rhy 1st year ky plzz mujhy koi bta day

    Like (11)

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