Besides the multiple choice objective section, the 9th-grade chemistry paper also asks short question and answers. In our 9th class Chemistry Online Exam Preparation, we help students understand the chapter thoroughly. Moreover, students can practice miscellaneous questions for exams. These Online Preparation are totally in accordance with the latest syllabus prescribed by the Board of Secondary Education. The Short questions online test session is designed on the exact exam pattern keeping the previous past papers in consideration. This online test session is based on short questions in which we show 3 to 4 suitable answers against a question.
Chemistry Chapter 6.SOLUTIONS
Chapter six of the Chemistry textbook explains the concept and learning of ‘SOLUTIONS’. Solutions are in fact the homogenous mixture of two or more components. Students should read the chapter prior practising the chemistry online test session for 9th class.
You have to learn all basic definitions of the different terms present in the chapter like solute, solvent, moles, molar solutions, concentrated solution etc.
Students should know how to differentiate between two terms like the saturated and unsaturated solution, mixtures and solutions, concentrated and dilute solution and so on.
The chapter also explains different state of solutions like gas -liquid or liquid- liquid solution.
There are also some numerical based short questions to practice in the chapter Solution. For example, how to calculate the concentration of the solution or its molarity?
Some short questions are also based on reasoning; you can take help from ilmkidunya online video tutorial to learn the concepts
Once you read the topic you can take the Once you read the topic you can take the online test at our website to check how many questions you can attempt correctly. Ilmkidunya is catering Pakistani students to learn and gain exceptional grades in their secondary and higher secondary grades. We provide online courses and notes in every subject .Furthermore the online test session designed for each class and subject helps students to practice and review their course thoroughly at our website to check how many questions you can attempt correctly. is catering Pakistani students to learn and gain exceptional grades in their secondary and higher secondary grades. We provide online courses and notes in every subject .Furthermore the online test session designed for each class and subject helps students to practice and review their course thoroughly