The preparation of Islamic study elective is not too much difficult but there should be a way to prepare
complete syllabus in short time. Many students of matric part II pays no attention to Islamic stud
elective because this is easy subject but they need effective helping material regarding this subject so
they can easily prepare their syllabus in short time. There is an imperative and efficient website to
providing superlative solved short questions, this website known with the name of ilmkidunya. Here you
can find solved short questions and multiple choice questions, guess papers and video lectures
important notes, solved past papers of 10 th class Islamic study elective. Ilmkidunya is very famous to
provide latest information about study issues in Pakistan. The announcements of results, date sheets, registrations of candidates, scholarships are announced here very punctually.
Solved short questions of chapter number 3 Islamic studies elective
In Islamic study elective chapter number 3 students can learn
What is importance of family life to prepare you for afterlife?
How much is compulsory to obey the orders of Quran about jihad?
How many types of jihad are for Muslims?
How can you understand the ayah of Quran with translation and pronunciation?
The students of matric part II can prepare Islamic study elective preparation by practicing solved
important short questions because solved short questions are comprises one and half third of the
complete final term paper. Student can do online preparation on ilmkidunya with solved and unsolved
short questions. This is not full of all candidates of the 10 th class can also find all helping material related
to any subject and any program, they just need to click on ilmkidunya website