As it is usual that solved short questions are compulsory part of the total final term paper of home economics
students are recommended to visit ilmkidunya website for finding all type of helping material and students
can also find out solved short questions of chapter No. 6 of Urdu medium syllabus. Solved short questions are
one third of the total paper so it is very important thing to clear all concepts of solved short questions. Most
of the time all the candidates seems very nervous as they listen the exams schedule and they looking forward to their tutors for helping materiel. We consider students whom looking help in solved short question. Students should search on website of Pakistan for all type of helping material about the study issues. Candidates are suggested to visit this site for the
needy subject and solved short question of whole syllabus they can also find out the multiple choice
questions guess papers past papers and notes for the grounding of final term exam.
Home Economics Urdu medium short questions 10th class chapter No. 6
As home economics is a subject which deals with the study of domestic learning for women, they can learn in
this chapter No. 6 that;
How and why child grow in primary life time?
What are impacts of society for a 5 years old child to 50 years old man?
How much is importance of arrangements in our daily lives?
What is importance of dressing of a person I the society?
What are major differences of dressings with the passage of change in time and season?
What is perfect food and what is perfect diet for all type of humanity?
Students are optional to find all types helping materials on ilmkidunya, they can also find latest updates by