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chapter no.5 (Space and Nuclear Programme of Pakistan) of general science Urdu medium of 10th class by just
visiting to ilmkidunya website. As we know that whole year learners work very hard to clear all the syllabus of
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Urdu medium Short questions of 10 th class chapter No. 4 of General science
As we know general science is a subject which study about the common sciences in our daily life so in this
chapter no.5 (Space and Nuclear Programme of Pakistan) of general science 10 th class students can learn;
What are artificial satellites?
What are the famous institutes of different countries which paid a big part in the nuclear programs?
What is production capacity of research reactor PARR?
When first rocket launched by Pakistan?
Where are big power plants of world located?
When and how Pakistan make first atomic explosion?
Students are recommended to visit ilmkidunya for all helping materials of all subjects of 10 th class. They just
need to click on for facilities of studies in Pakistan.