10th Chapter

10th General Science Chapter 10 Preparation

Here you can prepare 10th General Science Urdu Medium Ch 10(Science and Technology) Preparation. Click the button for 100% free full Preparation.

Matric Part 2/10th Class General Science Chapter 10 Short Questions Test With Answer for Chapter 10 (Science and Technology)

Many learners just clear concepts whole year of the subject general science Urdu medium but at the last they tries to find the best tutor or friend to entertain them with studies issues like providing of solved short questions accordingly there is an excellent and brilliant website named as ilmkidunya which provide students very important and exceptional solved short questions of chapter No. 4 (Science and Technology) Urdu medium general science. Student are just needs to visit the very famous website of Pakistan for any study issues or updates of any program. At ilmkidunya students can locate with the solution of short questions multiple choice questions solved long questions guess paper past papers and video lectures of chapter No. 4 (Science and Technology) Urdu medium general science.

Urdu medium Short questions of 10 th class chapter No. 4 of General science

As general science is a subject which deals with the wide ranges daily sciences in our daily life. While we are talking about the Urdu medium general science of chapter No.4 (Science and Technology) so in this chapter students of 10 th class are able to learn;

  • How to measure the tests for electrical activities of different part of the human body
  • What are isotopes and what are their uses in the field of medical
  • How ray of light react for different positions
  • What are radioactive elements? What is difference between emission and radiation
  • What is laser surgery
  • Who scientists take part in the discoveries of science and technology
  • Ilmkidunya is very accepted site in Pakistan, all helping materials and latest announcements are announced at this excellent website just for the entertaining the students with studies issues students are just need to visit www.ilkidunya.com website for finding the solved short questions multiple choice questions and all other necessities of students.

    10th Class General Science Online Preparation

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