Education subject is known as optional subject in 10th class because of basic general concepts will be learnt in that. Somehow students take this subject to make their education level a bit easier. Most of the time students do prepare this subject with the help of 10th class education past papers, 10th education subject MCQs and short questions of 10th education subject. So there is
an excellent and best website of Pakistan which provides helping materials and entertains students with all
study issues with a great cooperation named as ilmkidunya. Students can easily search for needy subject.
They can find all types of updates here at ilmkidunya. Students can find out solved short questions multiple choice questions solved long questions guess papers past papers and video lectures of Urdu medium Education chapter No. 1 and all other subject. All latest
updates regarding study issues of all boards of Pakistan are discussed here and all latest announcements are
announced here on time.
Urdu Medium Education 10 th class short questions chapter No.1
As education is subject of arts group students of 10 th class and in this subject students study about the basic
needs and steps in education and what is importance of education we know well, in this chapter No. 1 of
education Urdu medium 10 th class students can learn many things which area shortly discussed here for the
ease of students;
What are the reasons of leaving the school educations of child in primary education span?
What is major difference of primary secondary and higher education in Punjab?
What are types of education in Pakistan for different fields?
Why home economics education is just for females?
Who were famous scientists who done a great job for the education system of Pakistan?
What are steps of educations and in which stair there is majority of students?
All candidates are recommended to visit ilmkidunya for all type of the requirements related to studies of
all subjects. Just click on the link