Our Grade 10 study help provides an opportunity to gain further knowledge via fully online support. Students
are assisted in studies from elementary to Secondary courses through online notes, video
lessons and most importantly through online short question test sessions .These online tests
are designed just according to the textbook content and exercises. We also gather past papers from
old years to construct question that could be asked in the annual exams. Our 10th grade online short
question tests facilitates exam preparation as we have assigned a specific time for the
completion of the test and all questions are asked topic wise so students can easily plan their studying
schedule. These tests are designed by teachers who have specialized in the subject. Moreover, the test
question follows the secondary board curriculum implied all over the country. We have given these tests in
grade 10 mathematics chapter as well. Therefore, don’t miss the chance to take advantage of these online
test sessions.
Chapter 3, Variations
In this grade 10 Mathematics, chapter students will learn about variable quantities.
There are two types of quantities in math Variable quantities (or variables) and Constant quantities.
Moreover, if the value of a quantity changes under different situations, it is called a variable.
Next, the students will learn about different types of variables like Direct or Proportional Variation,
Inverse or Indirect Variation, Joint and Combined Variation and Partial Variation etc.
The chapter discusses relationships and there are specified formulas to calculate different formulas
If you are weak in Mathematics or any other subject and want to strive hard in your secondary and higher
secondary classes, just visit
admission to find every type of study help and resources. Ilmkidunya
is the comprehensive study help platform where we publish notes , videos,
admission ads, scholarships etc to support Pakistani students. Our mathematics resources are quite competent
and all-inclusive so as the other subjects. Students who have practiced our online short question
tests or multiple choice tests have secured excellent marks in their final exams.