The Portugal Digital Nomad Visa allows applicants to come to Portugal without any Job offer from a Portuguese Company. Those who are doing remote work can apply for the Portuguese Digital Nomad Visa in 2023.
Requirements for Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
You have to show Proof of a remote job. If you are working for a company remotely you have to show proof. The company should be outside Portugal.
If you are a Freelancer, Youtuber, or earning online you have to show proof.
You will be eligible if you are earning at least €2,800 a month.
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Portugal Digital Nomad Visa 2023 Requirements (Remote Job)
The Portugal Digital Nomad Visa allows applicants to come to Portugal without any Job offer from a Portuguese Company. Those who are doing remote work can apply for the Portuguese Digital Nomad Visa in 2023.
Requirements for Portugal Digital Nomad Visa
You have to show Proof of a remote job. If you are working for a company remotely you have to show proof. The company should be outside Portugal.
If you are a Freelancer, Youtuber, or earning online you have to show proof.
You will be eligible if you are earning at least €2,800 a month.
You will only give 15% tax for the first four years.
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NF international awards in Portugal
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