Updated December 2023
The Sargodha Board will be the roll number slips for the FA/FSC Part 2 Second Annual Examination 2024 in the end of April 2024. Students are advised to access their HSSC Roll No. Slip 2024 by clicking on the provided links below.
Intermediate Category |
Roll no slips |
For Regular Students |
Check |
For Private Students |
Check |
Have you done your FA/FSC syllabus or are going to complete it soon and are looking forward to the examination session? Well, you are informed that soon the examination session will be started. Currently, the board of education is accepting applications of the admissions and the next step of the board of education is to conduct the final examination session of the FA/FSC classes. However, the final exams of the FA/FSC are conducted in June. The examination reminder will issue through the FA/FSC roll number slips 2024. Students are advised to get their roll number slips on time and follow all the instructions mentioned on the roll number slips to avoid any disruption while sitting in the examination center.
Where To Get FA/FSC Roll Number Slips 2024
Students are, sometimes, worried that from where they can get BISE Sargodha roll number slips. If you are also asking for the same thing then you have to keep an idea in mind that the board of education will announce roll number slips several days before the final papers’ schedule. First of all, the date sheet will be issued officially on the official site of the Sargodha board. However, roll number slips are issued to students directly at their given addresses. Generally, we find two basic categories of students i.e. private students and regular students. Private students will get their roll number slips from their private academies or their homes, on the other hand, the board of education sends the roll number slips to the respective institutes of the regular candidates.
Sargodha Board Academic Schedule 2024
Here we would like to share the general academic session or schedule of the FA/FSC classes with the students. Students are informed that the intermediate academic session starts with the registration process. In October or November, the registration process for FA/FSC classes is started. Once after completing the registration process students start studies. The board of education starts inviting the examination admission applications in March or April. It takes almost a month or more to complete the admission process.
Once after ending the admission process, the main task performed by the board of education is to arrange and issue the date sheet and roll number slips. We can see that almost all the events have been completed and soon the examination session will start after issuing the FA/FSC roll number slips 2024. However, the academic session will end after announcing the FA/FSC results in September or October.
FAQs on BISE Sargodha FA/FSC Roll Number Slip
When will BISE Sargodha board issue FA/FSC roll number slips?
BISE Sargodha Board usually uploads the roll number slip for FA/FSC slip one week before the papers.
How to download FA/FSC roll number slip from the BISE Sargodha website?
Firstly, go to the BISE Sargodha official website.
For Private Students:
Enter Bay Form Number and Matric Roll number
Finally, click on the “Get Slip” button.

Image: Download roll number slip from BISE Sargodha website
Fa/FSc Roll Number Slip All Boards
Punjab Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
KPK Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
Sindh Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
Balochistan Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
BISE AJK Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
Sargodha Board Inter Roll Number Slip