Note: This year 2024, the exams will be conducted in May 2024. The Peshawar Board has not yet issued any Roll No Slip for Inter part 2. Inter part 2 class roll number slip is expected to be released one week before the papers. To check Peshawar board Inter part 2 Roll no slip Visit Official Website.
As the annual examinations 2024 are approaching near, students of intermediate must start their annual examination preparation immediately by getting their BISE Peshawar FA/FSC roll number slip 2024. Students must remember to prepare their intermediate syllabus completely and not leave any chapter behind if they are to get high marks in their annual examination.
Student Guide BISE Peshawar FA/FSC Roll Number Slip
Students of intermediate often forget the importance of obtaining their Roll No Slip FA/FSC 2024 peshawar board and therefore face issues and tension on the exam day which greatly waste their precious study time which could have been utilized to gain better grades in their upcoming annual examination.
Students of intermediate or FA/FSC program must try to eat proper healthy diet, divide their study time properly, revise their subject notes, study subject guides and intermediate exam past papers in order to ensure they have better grip over their recommended FA syllabus by the peshawar education board.
Students of FA (intermediate) must remember to enter their correct credentials of their respective school and education program either being regular student or private in order to get accurate FA/FSC Roll No Slip peshawar board.
Importance of BISE Peshawar FA/FSC Roll Number Slip
The intermediate and secondary education board Peshawar is committed to providing its dedicated intermediate FA/FSC student’s their FA/FSC roll number slip 2024 before commencement of their annual examinations. However some times the intermediate education board Peshawar face issues or delays due to management processing various load of burden of work which results in FA/FSC students not receiving their Roll number slip FA/FSC 2024 bise peshawar. Students of FA or intermediate who are to appear in their upcoming annual examination 2024 must exercise extreme caution and notify their BISE (intermediate and secondary education board) concerning not receiving or being alerted for any delays concerning Peshawar board FA/FSC roll number slip.
Students do not want to waste their time regarding their Bise Peshawar board FA/FSC roll number slip 2024 so they are advised to either visit their Peshawar board head office and obtain their valid roll number slip or download from the board's official website otherwise they will not gain entry for their respective board exams in the examination center designated by the peshawar board.
Students of FA (HSSC) or intermediate must realize that without obtaining their correct FA/FSC roll number slip peshawar board there are possibility of failure in their upcoming annual examinations 2024. So students of FA are advised to get their Peshawar board approved roll number slip from this page.
FAQs on BISE Peshawar FA/FSC Roll Number Slip
When can I check my roll number slip from the BISE Peshawar Website for FA/FSC?
The FA/FSC roll number slips can be easily checked online after being uploaded by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Peshawar.
When will FA/FSC roll number slips be issued for BISE Peshawar Board?
The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Peshawar usually issues FA/FSC roll number slips about one week before the commencement of the examination.
How can I download FA/FSC roll number slip from BISE Peshawar Official website?
First of all, go to the BISE Peshawar official website: here
You can get your Roll Number Slip via 2 methods:
By your Previous Roll Number Incase of FA/FSC Re-appear or old student
Via Student Name & Father Name

Image: Download roll number slip from BISE Peshawar website
Fa/FSc Roll Number Slip All Boards
Punjab Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
KPK Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
Sindh Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
Balochistan Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
BISE AJK Educational Boards Roll Number Slip:
Peshawar Board Inter Roll Number Slip