NAT-IGS General Science Economics
Here you can prepare NAT-IGS General Science Economics Test. Click the button for NAT-IGS General Science Economics 100% free full practice test.

Online NAT IGS General Science Economics Test Preparation for Pakistani Students

The aspirants who have completed their 12 years of education successfully and are desirous to get admission in undergraduate program in any NTS associated university are required to appear in NAT-I test conducted by National Testing Services (NTS) whereas 14 years of education is required to appear in NAT-II test held under the supervision of National Testing Services.

The aspirants who have completed their 12 years of education and have passed intermediate with general science and now wishes to get admissions in the same field of study at the bachelor’s level are required to pass NAT-IGS as it is the requirement of several universities in Pakistan.

As we mentioned in the previous articles that NAT-IGS test comprises of total 90 multiple choice questions from different portions. The NAT-IGS subject portion is one of them.

The subject portion contains multiple choice questions in it from different subjects. The subject portion also contains the multiple choice questions from Economics. The economics section in NAT-IGS subject contains 10 multiple choice questions.

ilmkidunya has introduced an online testing system for the students who want to prepare themselves for any test or exam in a best way. Here the students of all level scan get the online tests of almost all subjects.

On this page, the students will be able to get the online test of NAT-IGS subject economics. This online test is quite easy to take and the students can take this test as many times as they want. At the end of the test the students will also be able to check their result.

NAT-IGS Economics Test

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    Zaffar Iqbal

    21 Nov 2017

    i want to prepration of nts test.


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